Chapter Thirty-Four

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Aiden POV

     Once I walked into the room I looked around for our omega. I found him in the corner of the room in a nest, peeking out at us. I looked back at Raiven just as he closed the door. He turned toward me and then looked at Killian. He looked back at me and nodded. He knew I was the softest out of us and could reach Killian in his current state.
     I turned back to Killian and slowly approached him. I put my hand out to him. He glanced at it and then slowly reached out to me. Once his hand touched mine I slowly pulled him out of his nest. 
     “Don’t worry sweetheart. We’re taking you to your room so you will be more comfortable. If you want, Raiven can bring that with us.” I pulled him into my chest. I put my index and thumb on his chin and made him look at me.
     He looked back at his nest and then nodded his head. I watched as Raiven gathered everything and stood up. I  lifted Killian up bridal style. Raiven opened the door for us and once we were through he closed it. We went to Killian’s room door and Raiven opened it. Once we were through Raiven closed and locked it. 
     Raiven put the stuff on Killian’s bed as I set Killian down on it. He quickly set to work rebuilding his nest. Raiven and I watched him as he did. Once Killian was done he crawled into it and turned around so he could peek out at us.
     He whimpered. I walked up to him and knelt down. “Can we join you sweetheart?” I asked softly.
     Killian nodded as he moved back to make room for us. I crawled in on his right while Raiven crawled in on his left. Raiven pulled Killian close to him. Killian laid his head on Raiven’s chest while I pressed against his back. Raiven rubbed his back as I laid my hands on his belly and massaged it.
     “Is it bad?” Raiven whispered into Killian’s ear.
     Killian nodded. He winced at the pain in his belly. When the pain passed he looked up at Raiven. They smiled at each other. 
     Killian leaned forward and pressed his lips against Raiven’s. They deepened the kiss as I pressed more into Killian and started grinding against his ass. I slid my hand down his side to his thigh. I lifted it up so he had to wrap his leg around Raiven’s waist.
     I started kissing Killian’s neck as I slid my hand down to his ass and squeezed. Killian jolted and moaned into Raiven’s mouth. Raiven threaded one of his hands into Killian’s hair while the other trailed down his side. Raiven used the hand in Killian’s hair to pull his head back a little bit more to deepen the kiss and make more room for me on Killian’s neck.
     Slowly I moved out from behind Killian so Raiven can lay him down on his back. I laid on my side next to them. My face was still buried in Killian’s neck as Raiven kissed him. Killian raised his arms and wrapped them around Raiven’s neck.
     I slid my hand down to Killian’s thigh and lifted his leg. I squeezed his thigh and then slid my hand down to his ass and began to knead his mounds. 
     Killian broke away from the kiss and moaned. Raiven slowly slid his hands up Killian’s sides and raised his shirt. When he lifted it to his chest Raiven pulled back and looked into Killian’s eyes. When Killian nodded, Raiven took the shirt off.
     Killian plucked at Raiven’s shirt. He wanted it off. Raiven laughed and pulled his shirt off. They both looked at me. I smirked and slipped my shirt off. I went back to kissing Killian’s neck as Raiven slid down to Killian’s chest. 
     I slid my hand from Killian’s ass up to his stomach. I rubbed it and then slid down to the waistband of Killian’s pants. Raiven took one of Killian’s nibbles into his mouth and started sucking and nibbling. He was pinching, twisting and rolling the other nibble.
     My hand slid below the waistband and started teasing the skin around his member. I never touched it. Killian let out another moan. He started squirming.
     “Papi.” Killian breathed out.
     I started kissing and sucking at his neck. “Who, sweetheart?” I asked between kisses.
     Killian tilted his head more so I had more access. “You, Papi.” he moaned.
     I started kissing up his jaw. “Me? I’m Papi?” I pressed my hand into his skin close to his member. Raiven bit at his nibble.
     Killian was all moans and groans. “Yesss.” 
     I moved over to Raiven and kissed his cheek. “Shall we take off his pants?” I whispered into his ear.
     Raiven pulled back and glanced into my eyes. He nodded and pulled back. He slid off Killian and laid down at his side. He leaned over and kissed me. “Do you want to do it?”
     I nodded. I pulled my hand out of Killian’s pants and then moved so I was between Killian’s legs. I leaned forward and started kissing Killian’s chest. I lightly trailed my fingers down his chest and stopped at his waistband. Instead of slipping under it like last time I started slipping the button open.
     Killian slipped his hands into my hair as I started kissing down his stomach. As I slowly got closer to his waistband I started hearing rustling. I lifted my head and looked to where the rustling came from. Raiven was unbuttoning his pants and slipping them down a bit.
     I smirked and went back to Killian. I started sliding his pants down as I continued kissing his chest. Killian raised his hips so I could slip the pants past his ass. As I did I squeezed his ass a bit before completely removing the pants. I left his boxers.
     I glanced over at Raiven. He was palming himself as he watched us. I smirked. I leaned over to him and put my hand behind his neck and pulled him to me. I kissed him deeply. I licked his bottom lip, asking for entrance. He opened his mouth slightly and allowed my tongue to slip in. We didn’t fight for dominance. We knew who would win. We just had fun twirling our tongues together. Making a dance of it.
     We then heard another moan. We broke apart and looked down at Killian. He was looking up at us with glassy eyes. I looked down between us and saw that his boxers were slightly damp. I chuckled. 
     I glanced back up at Raiven and then back down at Killian’s boxers. Raiven followed my gaze and chuckled once he saw what I was looking at. 
     He pressed a finger to the tip of Killian’s member. “Did that excite you Lil bit?” Raiven teased Killian.
     Killian moaned. “Daddy.”
     “What do you say Daddy?” I teased. “Should we continue?”
     Killian squirmed. He lifted his hips. Raiven looked at me and smirked. “What do you think Papi?”
     I smirked. I trailed my fingers along Killian’s thighs. I wasn’t even touching him. There was a breath between my fingers and his skin. I slowly trailed up to his member. I played around it without touching it.
     I lowered my face so I was right above his member. My breath brushed his clothed member, making him shiver. I continued blowing on his member as I laid my cheek on his thigh. I watched as his member twitched.
     I raised my eyes up toward Killian’s. Raiven was kissing his chest. Licking all over and playing with his nibbles. Killian had one hand in Raiven’s hair. He slowly slid the other into mine. He slightly pulled on my strands as I continued blowing on his member. I turned my eyes back to his member. His boxers were now more wet.
     I ran my hand up his thigh and toward his member. Instead of teasing him more I ran my finger up and down it. I pressed my thumb to his tip. I continued playing with his member as he squirmed. 
     I looked back up at him. I watched his face as I played. His eyes were closed and mouth was open. No sound was coming out. I slipped a finger into his boxers and started lowering them down. Once they were off Killian’s ass I yanked them off the rest of the way and threw them somewhere in the room.

I hope you like it. It was my first time writing it. Let me know what you think.

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