The secret is out

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As I got to the eighth grade hallway it seemed like everyone was either staring at me or trying to strike up a conversation. Even kids that I had never talked to parted the hallway when I walked past, like I was some sort of movie star. I stumbled into my first class of the day with the energy of an elderly sloth. Science with Ms. Wolf. As I approached my chair she called my name. I whipped my head around and she invited me over to her desk. In a hushed tone she whispered "Y/N, all of the teachers received an email concerning your diagnosis and I wanted to know if there is anything I can do to help." I gave myself a second to think before saying "Could you please file a request to make-a-wish so they can see me?" "Of course!" I softly grinned and proceeded back to my seat.

-time skip to lunch-

As I placed my lunch box on the cafeteria table and my friends immediately bombarded me with questions "Y/N are you okay?" "Have you started treatment yet?" "Do you need anything?" As I started to speak they all went silent. "Guys I'm fine! Can I ask for just one favor?" "Yeah, anything" Nora said. "Could you all submit my story to make-a-wish." They all hastily pulled their phones out of their pockets and started typing. Just then, Ms. Les, the evil vice principal came up to us.

"Phones are completely prohibited during school hours! You know that! Hand your phones to me so they can be put in the front office!" Most of them slowly turned their phones off and started to pass it down but Nora stood up for herself. "Ms. Les, we were emailing make-a-wish to notify them about y/n's situation." She took a look at me and back at them. Much to everyone's surprise she coldly said "Very well, I SUPPOSE that I can make an exception this one time. But NEVER again. Do you understand me?" "Loud and clear! Thank you so much!" Nora graciously answered. One by one they all submitted their emails and tucked their phones back into their pockets. Before I knew it, lunch was over and everyone flooded out of the cafeteria.

I entered the gym and my gym teacher came up to me saying "Y/N, I just got a call from the front office, you are being picked up now." As the other students trickled in for class I squeezed in the crowd and left for my locker. I quickly shoved all of my things into my backpack. I slammed my locker closed and went down to the office. I saw Dad there with an unsettling expression on his face. I have seen him angry so many times that in my mind, his face was engraved with the gritted yellow teeth that I always saw him with. I have seen him with so many shades of anger and disgust on his face but I was completely unfamiliar with this expression, he was happy.

"Come on kiddo, we have somewhere to get to." He tried to place his hand on my shoulder and I turned around. Was this really him? There is no way that this is the same guy that raised me. This could not be the same guy that routinely leaves me with welts and scars after too much beer. I don't remember the last time he was in a genuinely good mood let alone call me kiddo. Without a word I entered the truck and waited to be driven. He got in the drivers seat and I pulled out my phone. Before I could even tap on YouTube he grabbed it out of my hands. I rolled my eyes and groaned "What?" "Make-a-wish dropped by for a visit and I know what you are going to ask for!" "What's that?" I said back. "Obviously a new family car!" Words tossed and turned in my mouth. I wanted to scream, to yell about how I'm not using my wish so that he can impress Audrey when he picks her up from the bar. Despite how much I wanted to, I repressed the words. I forced myself to say "Let's get a sick corvette!" For the first time in my life Dad told me "Good idea." We pulled up to the house and stepped inside.

We were greeted by a friendly woman with a make-a-wish logo on her jacket. A videographer was behind her with his huge camera. The woman swiveled her chair around to face the camera. As she did this I noticed her name tag, which read Amanda. Her voice resembled a tv reporter, loud and brimming with enthusiasm. "Over the day our inbox at make-a-wish has been bursting with y/n's story. We just had to come over here to hear from the brave girl herself and of course grant her wildest most extraordinary wish. All on live television! Now let's hear from y/n herself!" I waved at the camera saying "Hello! I am y/n!" "So we have heard about you from multiple emails. Do you mind sharing it from your perspective?" "Yesterday I walked into what I thought would be a typical doctor's appointment. Little did I know, this appointment would change everything. I left the appointment thinking nothing of it but this very morning my father woke me up with the horrific news. I had contracted blood cancer." I brought my hands to my heart. "This was absolutely devastating to my father, my friends, and me. However I fought through it and made it through the day." Amanda faced the camera again. "Her story is truly inspiring, this thirteen year old has pushed through the toughest villain of all, a cancer diagnosis. Now y/n, what will your one wish be?" I didn't even wait a moment to consider it. I saw Dad in my peripheral vision, giving me two thumbs up. "I meet matpat."

Abused and cancerous to adopted by matpatWhere stories live. Discover now