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We left the court room and Steph suggested that we get school supplies for me, since I would be starting on Monday. On the way back, Mat stopped at Staples so that I could get what I needed. I got a pack of mechanical pencils, a few notebooks, five three-ring binders, a soft black pencil case, a lunch box, and a teal backpack. Mat paid for my stuff and we went back to the car. Since you have full custody, can I please join a gtlive?" I desperately asked him. "Sure, I don't have one planned until Sunday but we can just do some gaming this afternoon."

We loaded the school supplies into the car and we were headed back. It was around noon. "How about we go out for lunch to celebrate!" Steph said. Mat and I agreed to this and we started finding a place to go eat. "How about Chipotle?" I pitched. "Yes! I love Chipotle!" Steph said. We were conveniently a few minutes away from one and we entered the restaurant. I customized a burrito bowl and once we were ready, we ordered.

-time skip to two hours later-

After a good meal, we finally arrived back home. Mat asked, "Do you want to do the live right now?" "YES!" I ecstatically answered. He chuckled. "Alright, let's go." We went up to the office and he started a live. I sat down on the couch as he got out the Nintendo Switch. "Hello internet! Welcome to gt not live!" He greeted the viewers as they trickled in. The chat box on the side was filled with questions on who I was. "Today I am joined by my newly adopted daughter, y/n!" He gestured to me and I waved at the camera. We played Mario Kart together the other day and she is absolutely insane at it. So today's live will be me trying to take back my crown." I snapped my joy-cons into the attachments and he did too. He opened up Mario Kart. "Which race should we do?" He asked me. "Let's do the lightning cup, I haven't done it in a while." We started the race.

I sped up too early and got struck by lightning as everyone else took off. Mat flew by me as I was stuck in place. "NOT FOR LONG!" I shouted as I turned into Bullet Bill. I shot through the map, knocking down anyone in my path with no mercy. I got up to Mat, bombarded him with green shells and sped by him. "YOU WONT GET AWAY WITH THIS!" He jokingly yelled. After all four races he came out on top with 54 points while I only had 47. "YESSS!!!" He cheered as the leaderboard came out. I fell to my knees. "MY UNDEFEATED STREAK IS RUINED!" I dramatically yelled. "Let's see if I can keep this up...let's do a battle." He deviously challenged.

-time skip to that night-

I tossed and turned in my bed. Couldn't sleep. I checked my phone and all of the texts that my Dad sent. Maybe he was right. I didn't belong here, I was a p*ssy like he said. I really did burden Mat and Steph with me. His voice seemed to be trapped in my own mind, chanting the foul names that he would always call me. I was pretty sure that I was the only one awake in the house. I walked into the dark kitchen and found a sharp knife in the utensil drawer. I took a look at the shiny silver of the knife and at my left wrist. I took a deep breath and slammed my eyes closed as I streaked the sharp metal across my wrist. Then again. Then again. Three slits dribbling with red. I stared at my arm that was now stained scarlet. It hurt but in a way it felt right. I deserved to be in pain. As I made one more hush into my skin I heard creaky footsteps coming into the kitchen.

Mat flipped the light switch on and caught me.
"Y/N...what's going on." He asked, concerned. There was no way I could speak without the tears spilling down my face so I hung my head and stayed silent. He noticed the red-tipped knife shallowly in my wrist. He snatched it out of my hand and practically threw the knife onto the counter. He wrapped his arms around me. I couldn't hold back the waterfalls anymore. Salty rivers spilled out of my eyes as he tightly held me. "Y/N..." His voice was shaky and I could hear his own tears caught in his throat. "Im sorry." I choked out. "Y/N, I know that you don't have it easy. But I hope you know that Steph and I love you so much. Please don't hurt yourself." That really stuck to me. "Steph and I love you so much." I couldn't remember the last time I heard someone say they loved me. "You must be dealing with so much but this isn't the answer." I could tell that he was tearing up at this point. "Please promise me that you will NEVER do that again." He released me from his embrace and put his hands on my shoulders. "Please." "Okay, I promise." I cautiously told him.

He tore off a paper towel and ran some warm water and rubbed soap onto it. He told me to hold it tightly to my arm to stop the bleeding and clean it. In the meantime he ran to get me some bandaids. Sure enough, in a few seconds he came back with a box of thick bandaids. He peeled the paper off a few and dried my arm. He then stuck the bandaids over the slashes.

He brought me back to my bedroom and I got back into my bed. He shut the lights off and went back upstairs. It was hard to believe but his words were true, he really did love me. I checked my phone again but I was just looking at the gtlive that we filmed earlier. A good chunk of the comments were just pleading for me to be in more videos. I felt a giant weight lift off of me. For once in my life, I actually mattered. My parents, along with thousands of strangers cared about me. My smile at this broke through the tears. The sun emerging out of the clouds following a thunderous storm.

Abused and cancerous to adopted by matpatWhere stories live. Discover now