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The Uber ride came to a halt and the trunk was opened. Stephanie grabbed the suitcase that I was in and rolled me inside. How would I explain this? My heart nearly left my chest when I was dragged up to their bedroom. I almost began to hyperventilate when she started to open the suitcase. There was no avoiding it, she unzipped it and screamed "Y/N??? What the heck!?"

I tried my best to explain it but my words all merged together. Steph stopped me and told me to just slow down. "So my Dad has been hitting me and stuff and I saw an opportunity to run away and in the airport I snuck into a random suitcase-" There was no point in telling her that I had basically been stalking them with an AirTag. "Wait? Your Dad has been hitting you? For how long?" She interrupted. "Um pretty much my whole life." Her eyes widened to the size of dinner plates, she looked absolutely horrified. Just as I was telling her this, Mat walked in.

He looked just as surprised and confused as Steph did when she opened the suitcase. I opened my mouth to explain it again but Steph beat me to it. "Her Dad has been abusing her so she stowed away on the plane." He understandably looked lost in thought, of course it was a lot to take in at once. "If you really don't want to go back, we are fine with taking you in but we have to do it legally and get custody." I smiled.

The sun shined brightly as it began to emerge into the sky. "We can talk to a lawyer later, in the meantime let's go shopping." Mat told me. "Where do you want to go for breakfast?" He asked "Cheesecake factory! (If you don't like Cheesecake Factory then you can change it)" "Okay, let's go!" he exclaimed. He put on his shoes and we headed out of the door. In the car Mat asked "How has your Dad been abusing you?" "He hits me." "With what?" Steph chimed in "Mostly his fists but sometimes with belts or he throws beer bottles at me?" "Oh geez, I had no idea." Mat said. We pulled into the parking lot and went inside. We got seated at a table for three and buried our heads in the giant menus. "I swear, I have never been able to look at food the same since food theory launched!" Mat joked. "Ever since I saw that one theory, I haven't been able to look at the kool-aid man the same!" I contributed. We laughed and the server came over to our table. "What can I get everyone?" She asked. Mat and Steph placed their orders and I requested the French toast. "Okay it will be right out!" She scribbled down on her pad and hustled into the kitchen.

After a filling meal, we went back to the car and I hopped into the backseat. "Y/N I am assuming that you need clothes, right?" Steph asked. "Yeah, I had a few layers on when I was in cargo because it was freezing but that leaves me with only a few changes of clothes." Mat started up the engine and off we went to Marshalls. Mat struck up a conversation "I've always wanted to know what it is like in cargo, tell me about it." "It was kind of cramped and super dark but overall it wasn't too bad. It was SO COLD down there though. I had on so many layers, put hand warmers all over my body, and was under a thick blanket but it was still freezing!" I described. "The engines were pretty loud but I had my earplugs in most of the time, so I barely noticed." I tried to recall it but truthfully I was asleep for most of the flight. "How did you get to the airport, let alone stow away in a suitcase?" Steph questioned. "My friend drove me over and there was a fight at the check-in counter. So while everyone was distracted by that, I climbed into a suitcase that was on the conveyor belt." "Your friend drove you? Aren't you in eighth grade?" Mat mentioned. "Yeah I was nervous getting driven by a twelve year old but she was surprisingly good on the road." The car stopped in front of Marshall's and we got out.

I immediately went to the teen section. I found a few cute t-shirts in my size. I took two pairs of black leggings off the racks along with a pair of blue jeans and a light gray sweater. I worked my way through the department and grabbed a pack of socks, a puffy black jacket, a beige beanie, and a light purple fleece. Once I found what I needed I came back to them with everything. They brought me over to the checkout line and I checked my phone as we waited. I had three texts and one missed call from Nora. All three of the texts were asking if I had landed yet and if I was okay. I texted her back that I was shopping with them and that I would call her when I got back to the house. She responded barely five seconds after I sent the message.

(You are the bolded letters)

Hey Nora, I am shopping with Mat and Steph right now, I will call you when I get back to the house.

Did the flight go okay?

Yeah! It was a smooth ride and I slept during most of it

So are you going to go to school over there?

I'm not sure, they still need to get custody so we haven't discussed school yet.


Nora had a good question. Would they have to enroll me in school even though they didn't have official custody? I went over to ask. "So will I have to be enrolled in school by Monday?" "I don't know...I haven't thought about that." Steph responded. We got up to the cashier and Mat pulled out his credit card. "Thanks for doing this." I told him. "Oh it was the least I could do." We drove back and Steph said "By the way, you can sleep in the guest room." I followed her down the hallway and she showed me the room. I looked around and noticed the bed and dresser. There was a fluffy rug, a rectangular mirror across from the dresser, a ceiling fan, and a nightstand but other than that it was mostly empty. "I know it's nothing fancy but-" "Are you kidding? It's amazing! Thank you so much for letting me stay here!" "Of course!" She left and I started to put my new clothes into the dresser drawers. I had almost forgotten to call Nora! I called her and when she picked up I flopped onto my new bed. I was home.

Abused and cancerous to adopted by matpatWhere stories live. Discover now