Wish Granted

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Amanda turned back to the camera. "Y/N has decided that her wish will be to meet YouTube star Matthew Patrick, which many of you, viewers might know as Matpat. Thank you to everyone who contributed to make her wish come true!" I waved goodbye to the camera and the videographer shut off the camera. Amanda shook my hand and my father's before seeing herself out. However, my father wasn't in nearly as good as a mood as before. His perfectly groomed stubble and combed hair was now disheveled. His face had turned as red as a ripe tomato and a vein protruded from his forehead. As the door shut Dad didn't wait for a moment.

"YOU ARROGANT LITTLE SH*T! WE HAD A F*CKING DEAL!" His sheer volume was shaking the house. I had enough of this. "Dad, it is MY DECISION. I HAVE CANCER. Can't I have MY SYMPATHY WISH TO MYSELF?" The bottled up words slipped through. That was the wrong thing to say. "DON'T GIVE ME THAT F*CKING DISRESPECT. I'LL TEACH YOU A LESSON ON WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU TALK BACK TO YOUR PARENTS!" He unbuckled his belt and aggressively snapped it. He whipped it at me, then again, and again. Lashes started to form on my back. I wanted to scream, to cry out in pain but I suppressed it, refusing to show him any sign of pain, he was undeserving of a reaction. He seemed unsatisfied by my lack of emotion. "YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A SELFISH, DISAPPOINTING ASSHOLE!" He grabbed by arm, pinning it behind my back. He then shoved me into the hardwood floor, a tight grasp still on my arm. It started to hurt more as each second passed by. "APOLOGIZE OR I WILL BREAK IT!" There was no point in breaking my arm over this, I grimaced and sputtered "FINE. I'm sorry for talking back." He threw my arm back onto the floor, satisfied. It was completely numb by now. "Thats what I thought." He chided with a devilish smirk.

-Time skip to late at night-

I checked my phone, it was quarter to midnight. I emerged from my bedroom and creeped down the stairs to throw together a bowl of cereal. I hadn't come downstairs since the fight, not even to eat dinner. For the better part of the day, the first floor belonged to my father and I didn't dare to enter his territory. My stomach had been growling at me for hours but better hungry than dead. I practically unhinged my jaw as I inhaled the cereal. I went back to my room and fell into a deep slumber just as my head settled on my pillow.

-time skip to the morning-

I stepped downstairs and saw Dad in his seat at the table, hands around a mug of coffee and a plate of reheated pizza sitting in front of him. I pulled out a pan to begin frying an egg. I turned the burner on high, cracked the egg and sprinkled some salt on top. I slid it onto a small glass plate, retrieving a fork from the silverware drawer. I turned the burner knob back to off. I sat down at the table. As I finished shoveling the egg into my mouth, Dad said "You have a couple medical tests today." I replied with a simple "Got it." As I brought my dish over to the sink to wash he continued. "Which means I have to take time out of MY day to haul your pathetic a** over to the hospital and pay four hundred dollars to find out exactly how f*cked up you are." I finished scrubbing the yolk off of my plate and shrugged a weak "sorry." I went back to my room and got ready for the school day.

I began my brief walk to the bus stop and plugged my earbuds into my phone. I opened Spotify and started playing the soundtrack to the Fnaf musical. I bobbed my head to the nostalgic opening. The long yellow bus pulled up to the stop and I found my way to a window seat. I stared out of the window as the soundtrack played. The bus doors opened in front of the school entrance far too soon. I stepped off the bus and into the school. I savored the last little bit of music as I pressed pause on it and yanked the earbuds out of my ears.

-time skip to the middle of the day-

I was starting my warm-up in English class and Ms. Owen got a call from the office. She cupped her hand over the phone to alert me that I needed to grab my things. "Okay I'm sending her down right now." She placed the phone back on the wall as I entered the hallway. I swung my backpack over my shoulder and slid down the railing of the stairway. I ended up in the main lobby where I saw Dad waiting for me. The interaction didn't escalate any more than eye contact. I silently sat myself in his truck as we sped to the hospital. I re-entered the world of Fnaf as I resumed the music. The car arrived at the hospital and I reluctantly pushed the door open and stepped out. I got out and walked into the hospital for the second time this week. I followed another nurse to a room and got more needles jabbed into my arm and fingers. At the end of the blood work I was practically a pin cushion.

After waiting in the office for a few minutes the doctor came in to move me to another room. She presented me a hospital bed and instructed me to lay down in it. I rested my body on it and used the button to lift the top half, propping myself to a sitting position. Outside of the room I overheard a few voices chatter. "She is in here." An unfamiliar voice echoed. "Okay." The second voice was a lot more familiar...

Abused and cancerous to adopted by matpatWhere stories live. Discover now