Alive once again

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Then there was a flash of life again. Just a brief moment. No longer than a blink. Then it happened again, maybe a little longer this time. It flickered a few more times and then I realized what was happening. I waved goodbye to my Dad and Nate then I was sucked back into the world. I felt a staticky buzz under my chest. I...could feel again. I COULD FEEL AGAIN! I WAS ALIVE! Relief flowed over me like a cool rain shower. The paramedics stopped zapping me with the defibrillators. I opened my eyes and saw that I was laying in a hospital bed.

"We've got her again. She is back." I tried to sit up but couldn't. Mat and Steph were sitting right next to me. They both hugged me. "Y/N, Y/N. I really thought you were gone this time! Thank goodness you are alright!" Mat exclaimed. "We love you, y/n. We love you so much." Steph said. I wiped my eyes. I was getting deja vu from my first serious attempt. Mat and Steph let go of me. The doctor came in. "Her heart stopped for almost a minute, luckily the shocks stabilized it. Her heart rate is now at a steady pace again. If you had come even a second later she might not have made it" "I cannot even tell you how grateful we are. She means so much to us!" Steph thanked. "We are going to have to administer a pill to make her vomit to get rid any remnants of the medication." I nodded. He led me to a bathroom and handed me a fat, white pill and a red solo cup of water.

He left the room and I took the pill. After washing it down I waited a few seconds. Then the contents of my stomach spewed out of my throat. I knew that I would have to go back to the ward after this. But frankly, I didn't mind. I went back to the room. The doctor was talking to Mat and Steph. He informed me that I would immediately be transferred to the ward. It could be anywhere between a few days to a few weeks until I was discharged.

-the next day-

I woke up and looked around confused. Then I remembered, I wasn't at home. I was in the ward. This time was worse, Marco wasn't here so I didn't really have anyone to hang out with. I went to the dining area for breakfast and ate as one of the nurses explained the schedule for the day. Therapy would be the first "activity" of the morning. We were led to the therapy offices and one of the therapists took me in. "Hi y/n, it has been a minute since we talked. I heard that you almost succeeded this time. Tell me about that. "I was in cardiac arrest for about a minute. But...I don't think I want to die anymore. Now I know what it is like, it isn't...scary for mysterious anymore. I don't fear it but I would rather be here." She nodded and jotted something down on a clipboard.

"It sounds like you are in a much better place. Do you have anything else that you would like to talk about, such as why?" "Well..." I had been avoiding answering this. But now I didn't have a choice. "There was a kid at school who looked up my skirt. I'm not proud of it, but my friends and I pretty much raked him over the coals for it. He was kicked out of the show and ended himself afterwards. It was all my fault but nobody wants to admit that." I sighed. "Y/N, don't blame yourself. That boy did horrible things to you and it was your every right to make a scene." "But sometimes I wonder, would he still be alive if I said nothing? Would I be in this hospital?" I hypothetically asked. "Things would have turned out differently but you did what was best for you. That is what is most important." She checked her watch. "Our time is running out but I will see you again later today." I left the office.

I joined some other kids on the couch and there they were, Birdseed. "Birdseed?" I called to them. They turned their head around. "Y/N! You-you are alive!!!" They ran towards me and hugged me tight enough to crack my ribs. I hugged them back even tighter. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "After I heard the news I attempted too. I wanted to be with you alive or dead." Tears rolled out of my eyes and soaked into their shirt. The nurse announced that we would be doing arts and crafts soon so we went to the art room.

I grabbed a thick paintbrush, a thin paintbrush, a few tubes of paint, and a small bucket of water. I set myself up at a canvas and Birdseed took the canvas next to me. I didn't know what to paint but then I got an idea. I outlined a black circle and put a simple green trophy in the center. I outlined four little sections and painted them in. Lime green, fire engine red, sunshine yellow, and cornflower blue. Then I painted fluorescent pointy spikes around it. The theorist logo. I looked over at Birdseed's painting and they were painting Markiplier's logo.

-that night-

Birdseed and I got to share a room, they figured it would be best since we already knew each other. The lights had been out for about an hour by now. Neither of us could sleep. We had been talking and then they said "this is crazy but what if we kissed again." "Um ok" I climbed out of my bed and stood in between our beds. They met me there. Then our lips locked.

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