He is dead

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Mat swerved to the side of the highway and so did my real Dad. We all threw the doors out while gunshots fired at us. We ran into the trees bordering the highway. We all gasped for breath. We walked deeper into the trees until we could no longer hear the billets being fired and my dad shouting. "I think we can stop here." Steph said. We all collapsed into the floor of dead leaves. "Y/N, did you call me Dad?" Mat asked. "Yeah, I guess." I hadn't noticed in all of the mayhem. "How long do we have to stay here?" Birdseed asked. "I don't know, kiddo." Mark told them. "I'm scared." I confessed. "Me too." Birdseed said. Steph put her arm around me while Mark gave Birdseed a hug. "Don't be scared, everything will turn out okay, I promise." Steph comforted.

Birdseed and I went to another area, away from our parents. "Do you think...that we will die here?" Birdseed whispered as we sat against a tree. "I really hope not, I just got out of my insane life with him! Why can't he just stop?" Suddenly we heard more firing. We ran back to our parents, the leaves crunching under our feet. "There are more gunshots!" I whispered. "We know...cover yourself in leaves to camouflage yourself just in case. I rustled through the pine needles and leaves before putting a layer above me. Everyone else did the same. We heard footsteps coming towards us and I froze. I could see through the layer of leaves that it wasn't my Dad, it was a police officer. I sat up.

When I sat up, so did the others. "Are you the Patrick's and Fischbach's?" She asked. "Yes." Mark responded. She spoke into her walkie-talkie. "We found them."

She escorted us to the road. "The man who was firing at you swerved into a ditch and was hit by another vehicle. Luckily the other driver was fine but the attacker died on impact." She explained. The world seemed to slow down. He...was dead??? Was this what I wanted? I wasn't sure if I should be leaping with joy, wiping my forehead in relief, sobbing, or completely neutral. Everything had become a blur. I could barely figure out that the officer was still talking, let alone hear what she was saying. Then I fainted on the grass.

A short minute later I opened my eyes. Birdseed was shaking me. "Is she conscious yet?" I heard Mark ask. "Yeah, I am conscious. What happened?" I asked, confused. "After hearing that your Dad died in the accident, you passed out." Just then Steph called me over while she was talking to the officer with Mat. "She has a relation to the attacker." Mat explained. "What is your relation?" The officer scribbled on a little notepad. "I am the birth child of him." "Did he still have custody of you at the time of death?" She asked. "No, we currently have full custody of her." Steph answered. "By law, y/n isn't old enough to inherit the assets so they will go to both of you as her legal guardians."

Mat, Steph, and Mark continued the discussion about the legalities of the situation and I drifted back to the side of the highway. I sat up against a tree and Birdseed noticed me. They sat next to me. "What's up?" They asked. "I just-I don't know how to feel about this. I mean sure he abused me but...he was still my Dad." I said, almost to myself. "Y/N! He tried to KILL you! He might have been your biological father but was he REALLY your Dad?" Birdseed told me. I started to understand. "You're right. He never really raised me. He just used me as his personal slave and beat me. He tried to KIDNAP ME, HE TRIED TO MURDER ME! MAT is my Dad, not him." As I realized how much he had done to me I started getting angry. Angry at him for doing all of those things but also angry at myself for almost feeling sorry for his death.

Birdseed and I inspected the cars. Our car was on the side of the highway, it had a long scratch along the passenger side door from scraping against the metal but otherwise was totally fine. The car that slammed into my Dad's car had a smashed headlight and the windshield had a crack or two but it would probably still be functional after a good repair. However, I couldn't say the same for my Dad's car. It was completely totaled, the doors crushed into the sides, both the front and back ends were smashed. The remnants were sprawled across the road. As I walked I could feel the chips of metal underneath my feet. I peaked into the broken glass of one of the back windows and saw two beer bottles in the cup holders.

I took a look at Birdseed, until now I had never noticed how much I liked them. I noticed how my heart jittered every time I talked to them. While I was thinking this, our parents called us over to go home.

We got home and I went to my room, I needed to forget about this, that was truly the only way I could get over it. My Dad just died trying to assassinate me. How could I just act like nothing happened after that? Normally when I needed to forget about something, usually when my Dad just hit me, I would binge Game Theory. This gave me an idea. Why WATCH a Game Theory when I could help make one? I went downstairs and saw Mat. "Can we make a gtlive?" I asked him.

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