Surprise visitor

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I got dismissed from the psychiatrists office and joined Marco in the living room. "So what's the school like?" I asked him. "So we have some good teachers and a some bad ones." "The drama program is a really big thing if you are into that." "I LOVE musical theater!" I told him. "We are going to do Newsies next month, you should audition!" He informed. "Are you doing it?" "Yeah! My whole friend group is doing it!" "Cool, I'll definitely be there!"

"Y/N, the prescription is finalized and you are being discharged." A nurse said. "See you in school, Marco!" I waved goodbye. The nurse brought me to the waiting room. A few more kids were gloomily sitting in the blue chairs. I stood behind the check-in desk with her. "Your parents are on the way to get you." I was ecstatic! I could finally go home! I saw the car stop in a parking lot space and they got out. "We are y/n's parents." The woman working at the desk started typing into her computer. "You are Matthew and Stephanie Patrick, correct?" "Yes that is correct." "Can I see a form of identification?" She asked. Mat pulled out his drivers license and she checked it over. "Alright, you are good to go!"

"How was it?" Steph asked me. "It was boring but it was fine, I guess. I met a guy that I'm going to go to school with." "That's good, you are still going to start tomorrow morning." I nodded. We drove home and when I walked in the door, there was a big banner that read "Welcome home." Mark and an unfamiliar child were waiting at the door. "Hi, y/n. Glad you are doing better. This is my kid, Birsa." Mark said. Birsa waved. "I'm Birsa, but everyone calls me Birdseed." Why don't you guys go hang out? You can take them up to the office." Mat said.

We went up to the office. "Why are you in North Carolina? Don't you live in LA?" I questioned. "My Dad has some long-term filming to do here. We have been here for a month and it might be a year until we go back. If that's the case, we might stay here for good." They said. "Do you play Mario Kart?" I asked, trying to break the ice. "Yeah I play it with my friend, Marco all the time." "Marco? Is he tall, dirty blonde hair?" " you know him?" "I think I met him in the ward..." I turned on the switch and Birsa saw Animal Crossing. "Animal Crossing is my favorite!" They exclaimed. "Me too!" "Favorite villager?" They asked me. "Basic answer but Raymond. I also really like Ketchup and Judy." "Ione is my personal fav."

We discussed Animal Crossing for a bit and he introduced me to another person at school. "There is this really weird kid named Nate. He also plays Animal Crossing but his favorite villager is BEARDO." "BEARDO!?" I laughed. "Also he charged me 50,000 bells PER DAY to rent an amiibo." "What makes him weird?" I asked. "He falls in love with every female with a pulse. He calls them names like Mommy. Also he begs pretty much every girl to cuddle him, even if they aren't attracted to guys." I made a disgusted face. "Ew...why do you talk to him?" I asked, repulsed. "I don't, he talks to me for some reason. Anyway he is tall, has glasses, and kind of looks like a bug. Stay away from him." "Got it." Just then, we were called down for dinner.

Steph had ordered dumplings and I piled some onto a plate. After dinner Mat went to the fridge and got out a cake. "This is to celebrate y/n's release from the ward, and the Fischbach's officially moving here." He announced. As he began to cut into the cake there was a series of violent knocks at the door. Mat went to see who it was and I saw him. My Dad.

He had found out where we lived and was here for revenge. He ran over to the table and squeezed his sweaty fist around my arm until it went numb. "You are coming with me, b*tch!" "Get away from my kid!" Mat yelled at him. I screamed as Mark and Mat tried to pry him off of me. My arm finally slipped out of his grasp. This knocked me off my balance and I fell onto the ground. I got up and ran to the other side of the room while he was throwing fists at Mat. Birdseed pulled their phone out of their pocket and dialed 911. Steph came in with a fire extinguisher and knocked my Dad upside the head. He stumbled and collapsed onto the floor. Birdseed was quickly explaining the situation and giving the address to the dispatcher.

Steph dropped the extinguisher onto his unconscious body and ran over to me. "Oh my god, y/n, are you okay?" "I'm fine." I assured her. "The police are on their way." She told me. She looked over at my arm. "Are you sure, your arm is okay. It looks really red." She inspected. "It hurts but it isn't too bad. The skin isn't broken and it isn't numb or anything." We heard a siren from outside and saw the colorful flashing lights. Two armed officers barged in. "Is anyone hurt?" One of them asked. "Thankfully, no." Mark responded. Just then my Dad sprung up.

"I WILL F*CKING KILL YOU!" He began to run towards me but the officers grabbed him. "Sir, we have weapons, you are going in a holding cell." They pulled him to the police car as he tried to retaliate. Everyone stood around the table, sighing with relief. "Y/N, I'm so sorry. This won't happen again, I promise. He will be put in jail and you'll never see him again." Mat told me. "I think it is time for cake!" Mark cheerily exclaimed. "Im not really hungry...I'm going to bed." I said.

Authors note:
Hi everyone! Sorry that this is so late. I wanted to let you know that I might not update for a while because it is tech week of a musical that I am in. @Matpatkindamid, your first appearance is coming up.... Also we are so close to 1000 views and I just wanted to thank everyone for all of the comments and votes!

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