The ward

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I got discharged and was directed to the psych ward. Once we got there I was forced to hand over my phone and they checked me for any objects that could be harmful. They made me take off my sneakers and clothing and provided me a patterned gown and slippers. I changed into them and they took me to another room. The walls were a sickening yellow and there was a hospital bed. I sat down in it and found a tv remote and tv in front of me. I clicked the on button but the only thing I could find was The Price is Right. I watched an episode and a nurse came in my room.

"Y/N Patrick, there is a room for you." I followed her into an elevator. This was it, I was going into the real place. I was absolutely terrified, what would the other patients be like? How long would I have to stay here!? I heard a ding and the elevator stopped. There was a hallway and she started to show me around. The first door was to the dining room. The next was to what I assumed to be the living room. She finally showed me to my room. The walls were a faint blue which matched the bed. "It is chill time right now so how about you go with the other kids in the living room." She told me. I went in there and found a bookshelf. I had already read the Harry Potter series twice but if this was what I had, I would have to do. I grabbed the first book and sat down on a couch. There was a tall boy next to me, he looked about my age, maybe a little older. As I sat down he looked up from his word search. "Are you...Matpat's kid?" He asked.

"Yeah...I'm y/n." I gingerly said back. "Woah that's crazy, I am a huge fan of Game Theory. I'm Marco by the way." "Nice to meet you." This is when I realized. The other kids in this hospital weren't psychopathic monsters. They were normal kids, they were just as scared and nervous as I am. I went to my room and laid down in my bed, staring at the ceiling. I just wanted to go home. If I was back with Mat and Steph, I would never put another line in my wrist. I would never swallow more than one pill again. A nurse called me back to the main room and forced us to do some dumb arts and crafts.

She put some bottles of Elmer's glue on the table and a few boxes of macaroni. Was she serious? As if it wasn't bad enough that I was stuck in this random facility, I would have to make macaroni art like a five year old? I was tempted to crumple up some noodles and call it what I thought about this activity but I would get in trouble. If I wanted to get out as soon as possible, I would have to be a good child and make some normal art. I glued a piece of spaghetti and some macaroni to the top. I put a pasta wheel in the middle. A flower, done. I rolled my eyes and handed it in like a school assignment. Next was some stupid bonding game. We had to go around in a circle and share our names, favorite animal, and favorite color. "My name is Y/N Patrick, my favorite animal is a platypus, and my favorite color is purple." I shared. "Your favorite animal is a platypus? PERRY the platypus?" Marco joked. I smiled, maybe I could make a friend here. We got through the circle and it was time for dinner.

-the next day-

I groggily rolled out of bed around 8:30. Everyone else was eating breakfast so I did too. After that we were forced to draw a picture of our family and go have "outside time." I drew myself, Mat, and Steph before running out the doors to the playground. It felt so good to escape from there. Even if it was just in the area behind it, if I got high enough on the swing, I could see the houses around the building. I jumped off the swing, it felt cruel to look at what freedom was. "Do you think they would notice if we snuck out?" Marco mumbled to me. "I mean...they can't stop all of us." I responded. "Hey! No jokes about escaping!" One of the guards shouted at us. "Ugh it is so annoying here, I feel like I am stuck at a preschool." "Same!" We were both sent back inside to go think about what we said or something.

"Oh no are we being sent to the time out corner?" Marco mocked. I laughed. "What ever shall I do! I lost the privilege of playing on the monkey bars!" I sarcastically complained. "Uh oh are we going to get a call home!?" I said between giggles. "What school do you go to?" I asked him. "(Your school)" "No kidding! I'm starting there once I get out of here!" "Cool." He said back. "Y/N you are called for one-on-one with a psychiatrist." A nurse said. I followed her upstairs and into a private room. A woman with glasses greeted me. "Hello, y/n, let's get started." She greeted. The nurse left and closed the door. "Okay let's talk about what's going on."

"I was admitted because of self harm and a life attempt." I told her. "I see, can I have a bit of background knowledge to figure out why this might be?" "So back home my Dad verbally and physically abused me so I ran away and was recently adopted by Matthew and Stephanie Patrick." She scribbled this down. "How long had the abuse been going on?" She calmly questioned. "As long as I can remember." I responded. "This might have been an act of trauma. You are used to bodily harm and if you are so accustomed to it, your mind can trick you into thinking you miss it in a way." I nodded, it made some sense. "The trauma probably led to the suicidal thoughts and attempt. That and the sheer amount of change in your life. Have you been anxious at all?" "No, not really." "I am diagnosing you with Post-traumatic-stress-disorder or PTSD. I am going to prescribe a medicine to combat the condition."

Abused and cancerous to adopted by matpatWhere stories live. Discover now