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DISCLAIMER!!!!: For lack of a better term, this chapter is REALLY FUCKED UP! This is based off of a TRUE STORY and please do not comment on anything that you wouldn't say if this were a real situation! If you can't handle that, then this isn't the right thing for you to read and you should do some serious self-reflection! Okay, thank you and enjoy!

-the next day at rehearsal-

When I arrived to the auditorium everyone was already there. "Finally, you are here! Let's go check the cast list!" Nora grabbed my arm and dragged me to the hallway where a crowd was gathered around a wall. I squeezed into the mass of people and read the paper that was on the bulletin board. Ellis was Jack Kelly, Nora was Katherine, I was Medda Larkin, Birdseed was Wiesel, Raina was Pulitzer, Zach was Crutchie, and Marco was Davey. We were all leads! I looked at the ensemble and saw Nate's name on there. I smiled and went to tell everyone the news.

After I told everyone we went back into the auditorium, Nate was pouting on one of the seats. "This is NO FAIR!" He whined. He took his glasses off and wiped the tears from his eyes. "Womp womp." Birdseed gloated. The director called everyone to look at her. "Welcome to the first rehearsal of Newsies!" She exclaimed. We all clapped and cheered. "First thing, of course is to do a read-through! The leads will all get the books and everyone else will get these paper versions. Can Ellis,  Nora, Zach, Marco, Y/N, Raina, and Birdseed come grab your scripts?" We all stood up and took the books. "Everyone else please take a paper copy, I would recommend getting a binder for it because we can't have them ripping or people losing them." Nate jealously glared at us and went up to get his.

"Okay everyone, please come stand on the stage. Eighth graders in the front, seventh graders in the middle, and sixth graders in the back. We all climbed into the stage and got in our designated areas. Nate stood next to me. "Ellis, whenever you are ready." She motioned. "Hey, Crutchie, where you going? Morning bell ain't rung yet. Get back to sleep." Zach responded with his line. "I wanna get there before everybody. Ever since I got the polio, it takes me extra time to warm up my leg...." After that first dialogue was done, Our music instructor played a little bit of "Santa Fe." Then we continued.

I was getting prepared for my big scene, scene four. In scene two, Pulitzer's scene I felt Nate drop his pencil. It seemed weirdly intentional but I didn't pay attention to it. But then he kneeled down for too long to just be picking it up. I looked at him and saw his eyes on the underside of my skirt and a little grin on his face. "EW STOP LOOKING UP MY SKIRT, PERV!" I shouted at him with disgust. Birdseed cut off mid-line and looked to the right, where Nate was. They saw him kneeling next to me with a flushed, guilty expression on his face, looking up. "GET AWAY FROM MY GIRL, B*TCH!" They angrily yelled. Nora was standing next to me and also saw his eyes up my skirt "YEAH, STOP BEING A F*CKING CREEP!" She yelled. I slapped him and then Birdseed tackled him.

Birdseed kept punching him in the face, knocking off his glasses. While he tried to cover his face, Nora kicked him in the nuts. He weakly groaned, in excruciating pain. "NOBODY DOES THAT TO MY BESTIE!" She loudly scorned. Then she stomped on his stomach for good measure. "ENOUGH, ALL FOUR OF YOU!" Birdseed punched him one last time and leapt off of him, sweaty and disheveled. "UNACCEPTABLE, this school has a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY for violence of ANY KIND!" She scolded. "But he-" Birdseed tried to explain. "Nope, don't want to hear it. All of you go down to the office and we can sort this out later." Birdseed, Nora, and I jumped off the stage and walked to the office. Nate carefully got onto his feet and slowly followed us, clutching his stomach.

Once we got the hallway, Birdseed hugged me. "Are you okay, y/n?" They asked. "Yeah, I am fine. Thanks for that." I responded. "No problem. He was being a perverted d*ck." Nora said. We all went to the office. The three of us sat across from Nate, arms crossed. "All of your parents have been called. Y/N, this is your second offense in two weeks. You are on THIN ICE!" The principal harshly said. "It wasn't her fault! Nate looked up her skirt and she was just defending herself!" Nora said. "Is this true?" Birdseed and I nodded. "Nate? What do you have to say for yourself?" "Wh-what? N-no I didn't! I would never do that..." he poorly lied. "Well here I have three people telling me otherwise." She argued. "Okay...fine...I did it." He looked to the side, pouting his lip. "But it wasn't my fault! If she didn't want people looking up her skirt, she shouldn't have worn it!" "Nate, this is EXTREMELY INAPPROPRIATE! There is no excusing this! You first did that and then lied to me!? Your punishment will be SEVERE! I will call your drama teacher down to figure something out. She then spoke into her walkie-talkie. A few minutes later, our drama teacher showed up.

"Are you aware of what happened?" The principal calmly asked her. "I have a general idea based on what the other kids have been telling me." "Nate is definitely at fault here, I think a fair punishment would be for him to be cut from the show. "Oh absolutely, he doesn't have a speaking role so it would be no problem to cut him." She agreed. Nate looked horrified, like he was about to cry. "No tears, your actions have consequences. There will be further repercussions, we can start with removing you from the musical. "No...NO! You can't do that! Theatre is my life!" Teardrops started to spill down his cheeks. "You should have thought about that before crossing boundaries without consent and then LYING to me. My decision is final, go wait outside." He ran out of the room and closed the door.

"Im not thrilled with you three either, especially you, y/n. You should NEVER respond with violence, frankly I am a little disappointed that I have to have this conversation with you again, y/n." "I really am sorry, I wasn't thinking." "I appreciate the apology, however I am not going to excuse this. Your consequences won't be as severe but you will have to spend lunch in here for the rest of the week. I am on your side, though. It wasn't okay what you did but I can't blame you." We all nodded, relieved. Then we heard a knock on the door. The principal went to open it. Mark, Mat, and Nora's mom were all standing there. "Thank you all for coming to pick up your kids, they will get their things from the auditorium now." She said.

Nora stood still, starstruck. "Are you...markiplier and matpat?" She asked. "Yes, are you a fan?" Mark said. "Oh my god, yes." "Not the time, go get your things." Her mom interrupted. We all went to get our things. "Wait Birdseed, you are MARKIPLIER'S KID? How come you didn't tell me!?" She asked. "It's kind of a secret at school. Only our friend group knows so you can't tell anyone." I said. We all zipped up our backpacks and went back to the lobby. I waved goodbye to them and Mat took me to the car.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked him. "No, the principal told me the whole story. You didn't exactly do the right thing but you are definitely not to blame in this situation." "Has that kid been giving you trouble before?" He asked. "Kinda..." I quietly responded. "Why didn't you tell me or Steph?" "I don't know...growing up, I would have probably gotten beaten for telling my Dad something like this." I responded. "You know, you can tell me and Steph anything, especially if something like this is going on." "Okay."

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