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I woke up on Wednesday with the brightest smile on my face, tomorrow is the court date! I couldn't contain my excitement! I checked my phone and saw that Game Theory had a new video up, and it was my theory on the balloons! I clicked on it and watched the video. There was no way! MY IDEA was an actual game theory video now! I would have called Nora but I remembered that she was in school. Instead I texted her to check out the new video. After school she would see the text and I could tell her that it was my idea. I entered the kitchen and saw Mat and Steph waiting for me at the table with an unfamiliar man. He was wearing a formal gray suit without a speck of dirt on it and a blue striped tie. I presumed that he was the lawyer. "Hello, you must be y/n, I am Mr. Goodman, I will be your defendant." He reached his hand out and I firmly shook it.

I took a seat and we began to go over the evidence that we would use during the trial. "It is to my understanding that there has been child abuse and stalking, is there proof of either." Mat started to explain. "There were some bruises as proof of the physical abuse and we have all of the texts and emails." The lawyer wrote some of this down on a little notepad. "Are the bruises still visible or are there pictures?" "The bruises are mostly faded, there are some scars but we have pictures of the bruises when they were only a few days old." I answered. He wrote this down as well. He asked to see the messages for himself so I gave him my phone. "How many total, give me an estimate." He asked. "There must be hundreds." I truthfully said. He scrolled through them and nodded his head.

"Well there is a pretty hefty pile of evidence in your favor. It looks promising and other officials are doing a search through the house to find any more evidence such as broken glass." I nodded in agreement and he gave me my phone back. "I think that concludes my business here, nice to meet you
y/n." He shook my hand once more, grabbed the briefcase that was lying next to his chair and left.

"That went well!" Steph exclaimed. "Yeah I think we have a good chance at getting custody!" Mat agreed. I poured myself a bowl of Frosted Flakes and splashed some milk in. "What should we do for the next Food Theory?" Mat asked. "Every time I see a Lucky Charms commercial I wonder if there is more behind it." I suggested. "If there was lore behind Captain Crunch, why not Lucky the Leprechaun?" "There could be multiple different theories about both the charms and Lucky." Steph added. "I'll think about it." Mat said. "Where is the trial going to be?" I asked. "The court agreed it made little sense to pay for three plane tickets if only one was needed so your Dad is flying in." This struck me off-guard. I hadn't thought until now that my Dad would be there. Logic suggests that he wouldn't try to do anything to me in a courthouse but he is insane! I made a mental note to stick by someone else at all times. That way, even if he was crazy enough to attack me in front of someone else, there would be a witness.

I finished breakfast and went back to my room and looked at the walls. On the first day when Steph introduced me to the room I was just grateful for a place to sleep. Now I recognized the empty walls. If this would be my permanent room, I want to customize it. I started imagining everything in my mind, where I would hang up every picture, place every item. Despite how plain the wall color was, I liked the soothing ivory paint. It went well with the baby blue bed and light gray carpet. I got a notification on my phone that Markiplier just uploaded a new video. I immediately started watching it and once I was finished, went to his channel. I scrolled through until I found his "There is No Game" videos. I hadn't rewatched those in forever! The addicting content sucked me in like a black hole and before I knew it, it was almost dinner time. The aroma of Steph's cooking wafted into my room and entered my nostrils. It was now becoming more real to me. At 8 in the morning tomorrow, I would be IN COURT. I set an alarm for 6 am so that I would have plenty of time to get ready in the morning. After setting it I walked into the kitchen where Steph was starting to serve dinner.

-time skip to that night-

The hours were counting down. I wish I could sleep but it was impossible! My nerves were jittering so fast that I thought I might explode! Every time I closed my eyes my body would try to sleep but my brain would refuse. I took a multitude of deep inhales and rested my whole body. Every time my mind drifted off into thought, I forced my mind to snap back to blankness. Eventually I dozed off and woke up to the loud beeping of my alarm. I reached over to turn it off. Normally at this time I would have been exhausted and cranky but I couldn't stop the corners of my mouth from turning upwards. Today was the day.

Abused and cancerous to adopted by matpatWhere stories live. Discover now