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I hopped out of my bed and immediately got dressed. I put on that beautiful yellow dress that I got at the store and slipped on the black flats. I stroked a hairbrush through my hair until it was completely rid of all tangles. I snugly fitted the yellow headband behind my ears. I heard Mat and Steph coming down the stairs. I checked the time and it was 6:12, the trial would be in two hours! My heart was beating so hard that I thought it might jump out of my chest. The hard bottoms of my flats tapped on the floor as I walked into the kitchen. Mat was standing at the coffee maker in a suave sports coat and slacks. Steph was at the fridge in a solid red blouse and black skirt.

"Do you want me to make you anything? I was going to make oatmeal." Steph said. "Oatmeal sounds good." I responded. In a few minutes she put a bowl of oatmeal on the table. After breakfast I finished getting ready. I brushed my teeth and splashed cold water on my face. I was ready to go at 6:45. We went to the car and I clambered into the back seat. We pulled out of the driveway and we were on our way!

After a quiet 20 minute car ride, we pulled up to the courthouse. Mat parked the car and I got out. We noticed a few other cars in the parking lot. One of the license plates said (insert home state). He was here. We entered the building and walked down a hallway. When we got to the end of that hallway, I saw him. I froze like a deer in headlights. I could feel myself tremble as he gave me icy eye contact. I felt Mat's hand rest on my shoulder. "Y/N, you are going to be fine, he isn't going to do anything to you here." He comforted. "That's what I thought when I was in the hospital...but he still tried to choke me." I trembled even more at the memory. "Just stick by us, even if he is crazy enough to hit you here, he wouldn't DARE touch you in front of me and Steph." This was reassuring but I wasn't completely convinced.

We were led to another room. The courtroom. The judge was sitting in the front of the room with his gavel in hand. I saw his nameplate. Judge Barry. He seemed like a wise elderly man based off of his bald head and white mustache. We made our way to one of the sides and waited until Mr. Goodman joined us. Right after, my dad and his lawyer entered the other side of the room and Judge Barry smacked his gavel. "Order in the court, Matthew and Stephanie Patrick are fighting for custody of 13 year old (y/n)(l/n)." He spoke fast and deliberate. "What is your argument, Mr and Mrs Patrick?" He asked. "We believe that Mr. (l/n) is a threat to (y/n) and we would like to file for full custody and a restraining order." Mat said. "And I am assuming that you have the intent to keep custody." Judge Barry said as he faced my Dad. "That is correct, your honor." Mr. Goodman pulled out his folder of evidence. The fight officially began!

"Do you have any evidence to prove Mr. l/n as unfit for being a parent?" He asked us. Mr. Goodman opened his folder and took out the pictures of my bruises and the damaged walls. "We have proof of him physically abusing y/n. There are pictures of the bruises and scars that resulted." He held up pictures of grayish purple splotches that were on my arm. "How were these caused?" Judge Barry asked me. "They were caused by his fists and beer bottles that were thrown at me." I explained. He seemed satisfied with this answer and turned to my Dad. "Do you have anything to disprove this evidence?" My Dad looked at his lawyer who said "No." "Do you know of a cause of these violent tendencies such as a mental illness?" Judge Barry asked. "It is most likely due to his alcoholism." I responded. My Dad glared at me with betrayal in his gaze.

Judge Barry requested medical history to confirm the alcoholism. "Would you consider y/n in or in fear of imminent harm?" He asked us. "Your honor, it seems as if her father has been threatening and stalking her." Mr. Goodman answered. He requested my phone to prove it and I unlocked it. He guided the room through the aggressive messages and multiple attempts to contact me despite my obvious tries to prevent it. "What do you have to combat this?" Judge Barry asked my Dad. I could see his anger that could no longer be contained anymore. " little a**hole!" He frustratingly blurted out. His hands thudded on his stand while his lawyer tried to stop it. "YOU LITTLE P*SSY! CAN'T YOU JUST ACCEPT THE LIFE YOU HAD!?" The whole room was stunned at his audacity to use that language in court. Mat and Steph put their arms around me. "ORDER!" Judge Barry demanded. This was alcoholic behavior so Judge Barry ordered a breathalyzer test.

"0.12" a man told Judge Barry. "That is considered legally intoxicated, I believe that this case is coming to a close, it is time for the jury to cast their votes." He now looked at the jury. "Please raise your hands if you determine Mr. l/n guilty." Every one of the jurors raised a hand. "It is unanimous, Mr. l/n is ruled guilty." "Mr. and Mrs. Patrick are redeemed with full custody of (y/n)(l/n). Mr. l/n must stay a minimum of 50 feet from her at all times and will not be permitted to contact her without her consent. Consequences of not following this ruling include jail time and fines." His gavel ended the trial with a thwack.

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