Beth & Viv time

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Three weeks later

Beth sighs as she walks out of Jonas's office with new tactic ideas in her hand and rubs her face. ''Fuck.'' She grumbles as she reads through them walking around the corner to the dressing room, she gasps softly as she runs into someone bracing her fall with a soft groan and quickly looks up as she hears someone curse in Dutch.


She covers her mouth to muffle her giggles as Josh tries to repeats it and shakes her head as Viv drops her head with a groan. ''Sorry Vivianne.'' She breaths out the amusement clear in her voice, Viv just shakes her head handing her the papers she dropped and looks down at Josh after she stood back up.

''Don't repeat that Jo.'' She tells him as he just giggles, she scoops him up as he tugs on her shorts. She turns back to Beth and smiles slightly. ''You okay, you look kind of..''

''Irritated?'' Beth asks chuckling as Viv pauses to search for words, she holds the papers up as Viv just nods her head and sighs. ''Received new tactic ideas from Jonas.''

''That bad?'' Viv asks as they walk towards the dressing room.

''Not bad just no idea how to understand all of it.'' She bites her lip knowing Viv has more knowledge tactical wise and turns to look at her as Lotte's and Katie's request enters her mind. ''Maybe you could help me.'' She breaths out. ''If you have time of course.''

Viv glances down at Josh before looking back up at Beth and smiles slightly. ''Well we have training in a few, but if you would like to join us for dinner I can help you.''

''Sounds good, want me to grab something for us on my way over?''

''Yeah sure I can..''

''If you are about to tell me that you can give me money, I will kick your butt Viv.'' Beth threatens chuckling. ''Dinner is on me, believe me you will need the energy to explain everything to me.''

Viv chuckles as she enters the dressing room and shoots her a small smile. ''I am sure you will understand it quickly.'' She breaths out as she places Josh down, she greets the girls with a smile chuckling as Josh immediately wanders over to Kim as soon as she crouched down with a grin and walks over to her locker to grab her jacket and gloves.

''Will he join us outside today?'' Katie asks curiously as she walks over with Josh on her hip knowing Rose isn't around today, Viv nods her head grabbing a beanie and gloves for Josh out of her locker and smiles as Katie places him down on the bank in front of her.

''I know you don't like it Jo.'' She murmurs as he frowns the second she slipped his gloves on. ''But it's cold outside.'' She tells him softly as she slides his beanie up making sure to tie it together, she stands back up making sure to tuck his all in one suit into his shoes and stands back up. She chuckles as he pats her thigh with his gloves and pats his head with a slight grin. ''At least one of us has to stay warm.''

''Forgot your joggers again?'' Beth asks in amusement, she reaches into her locker to grab the spare ones she has without a number on it and throws it towards her as Viv hums. ''Here, might be a bit too short bit with your socks it will be alright.''

She smiles as Josh walks over to her and crouches down. ''You want to head out with us buddy?'' She asks. ''Your mama will join right after she changed.'' She adds after glancing up at Viv silently asking if they can take Josh with them, she scoops him up as Viv just smiles and follows the girls out of the room.

''There is my favorite buddy!''

Beth laughs shielding Josh as Jonas jogs over and shoots him a look. ''Mine.'' She tells him smirking, she chuckles as Jonas frowns and winks. ''You will have him as soon as training starts, but for now he will jog with us.''

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