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A month and a half later

''Hey Vivi, packed everything for tomorrow?'' Beth asks as she walks into the kitchen after Jill opened the door.

''Hey you, yeah packed all of our clothes the only thing we still need to pack are Josh's toys.'' She pulls Beth in her lap chuckling as she squeaks softly and wraps her arms around her waist. ''How was your meeting?''

The book will be published in two weeks, so while we relax on Ibiza with the girlies it will land in the shops.''

''No signings?''

''Will prepare some beforehand to send out for those who want to buy and as soon as we return I will have a session at the bookstore here.'' She glances at the laptop as Viv just hums and smiles slightly. ''How is the final exam going?''

''Can't really concentrate so I might bring my laptop with me and study a bit while you and the girls hit the nightlife.'' Viv murmurs.

Beth nods her head and kisses her cheek. ''I will go and annoy the girls with Josh for a bit so you can concentrate.'' She stands up as Viv just smiles and walks out of the kitchen. ''Girls come on let's head down to the park and feed some ducks with JoJo!'' She calls out, she laughs as Josh immediately squeaks her name and grabs his jacket as she hears thundering footsteps coming down the hall.

''With Viv?'' Vic asks as she slides over on her socks to hug her, Beth shakes her head after greeting her and smiles.

''She needs to concentrate on her studies so let's offer her a silent place for an hour or more.'' She breaths out as Jill walks over with Josh, she crouches down to greet him properly smiling as he sloppily kisses her cheek and helps him put on his jacket. ''Hiya darling, want to go feed some ducks?''


Beth just smiles as she zips his jacket up and glances up at Jill. ''I blame you and Vic, if I don't understand him in a few years.''

''Your girl teaches him the most.'' Jill defends laughing.

Beth shrugs leaning against the doorway leading to the kitchen as Josh runs off to say his mama goodbye and smiles as Viv looks up after she told him to behave. ''We will be back in about an hour, shall we bring some dinner?'' She asks as she walks over.

She leans down to peck her lips as she nods her head and rolls her eyes as she murmurs where she can find her wallet. ''My treat, anything you want?''

''Surprise me, but add a milkshake?''

''Chocolate?'' Beth hums as Viv nods her head with a grin and kisses her forehead. ''Will do, see you later Vivi.'' She walks over to the girls smiling as they yell goodbye and takes Josh's hand in his own as he reaches for her, she follows the girls down to the park looking down at Josh as he tells about his day, and slowly runs her thumb over the back of his hand.

After two and a half hours Beth follows the girls back into the apartment after they spend a long time on the playground with Josh and rubs the napping boy's back as he grumbles the second she takes his shoes off. ''It's alright sweetheart.'' She murmurs as she slowly takes his jacket off.

''Viv do you want to wake him for dinner?'' Jill asks as they all walk into the kitchen, Viv looks up from her laptop and slowly shakes her head.

''He didn't sleep that well last night, did he eat something at the park?''

''He shared a hot dog with me.'' Beth murmurs as Viv takes him from her, she pecks her lips as she just nods her head and walks over to the table after Viv told them that she would be right back.

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