Opening up

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''What's wrong?''

Viv bites her lip as Lotte's words She knows how you feel, talk to her. swarm through her mind after Beth's soft caring question and slowly shrugs her shoulders. ''Just Lisa, being Lisa.''

''What do you mean?'' Beth asks softly in confusion, Viv blows out a soft breath and grabs her phone again as it chimes. She reads the text message, slowly shaking her head and holds it out for Beth to read.

''This.'' She locks eyes with her as she hesitates and cracks a small grin. ''Believe me it's nothing personal.''

Beth slowly takes Viv's phone after reassuring herself that the Dutch really wants to share it with her and looks down at it, she blinks as she notices a text message in only captions and scrolls up to read it completely.

From Lisa:

I can't believe you still went through with that fucked up plan and took that little shite in! It was my fucking idea in the first place and now you steal him from me?! You will fucking regret this you bitch! And you allow that group of bitches to call themselves his fucking aunts, like hell they are I will make sure people will see what a bad fucking mother you are!

''You know she is talking complete shit right?'' Beth quickly asks before she continues reading.

''I know.'' Viv breaths out trying to hide her emotions.

''No you don't.'' Beth boldly points out, she curses herself inwardly for being so blunt as Viv turns to her with a frown and sighs. ''You currently try to act like none of this gets to you, pretty sure the reason behind that is because I am here, but you don't have to hide anything Vivianne.''

''Easier said than done.''

''Why don't you start easy?'' Beth asks, she sits up as Viv frowns in confusion temporarily placing the phone she held between them and mentions her hand around the empty room around them. ''No one but the both of us are here, spit out what you are thinking and don't hold back.''

She watches her glance towards the stairs, reaching out to grab the baby monitor knowing it shows a recording of Josh laying in his bed and holds it out for her to see. ''He is fast asleep upstairs, he won't hear a single thing you say.''

Viv blows out a breath as she looks at the monitor and slowly shakes her head. ''I just hate that she knows what buttons to push to set me off.'' She grumbles. ''That she knows exactly what she can use against me to fucking hurt me.''

''Like what?'' Beth asks hoping Viv will finally release every ounce of pain and anger she feels.


''No, no.'' Beth breaths out as they lock eyes. ''Talk Vivianne, scream for all I care but quit bottling shit up.'' She tells her. ''Believe me bottling things up and exploding in the end won't help you and it won't help.'' She gently shakes the monitor in her hand and places it back down. ''And him.''

''How do you know?''

Beth ignores the anger in her voice knowing it's not directed at her and crosses her arms. ''Went through the same shit with your international teammate, did you forget?''

Viv rolls her eyes and shakes her head. ''How could I forget being compared to her twenty-four seven?''

''Excuse me?'' Beth asks in surprise.

''According to Lisa, Daan and I are exactly the same.''

''Well that is bull, pretty sure she was talking to the mirror and not to you.'' Beth scoffs out. ''I don't think you cheated on your partner after being transferred, just because you didn't have the guts to be honest and break up in a normal way.''

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