Future talk

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Just a short chap this time

The next day

"Vivi?" Beth asks walking into the living room after placing Josh down for a nap, she smiles as Viv looks up from her book and drops in her lap chuckling as she grunts softly. "Can we talk?"

"Do I have to be worried?" Viv asks biting her lip as she places her book down, she wraps her arms around Beth's waist as she shakes her head and leans her head back against the couch. "What's up love?"

"I would like to talk about the subject we avoid every time Josh brings it up," Beth mumbles. "I don't like the awkward silence that accompanies it." She locks eyes with Viv and raises an eyebrow as she just hums. "What are you thinking every time Vivianne?"

"Every time he brings it up you mean?" Viv asks, she shrugs her shoulders as Beth nods and smiles nervously. "Not thinking much, more fighting with my imagination wanting to run off." She runs her hands up Beth's thighs as she just raises an eyebrow and sighs. "Before we started dating I already told you that I want more kids Beth, back then not immediately because I was single but also because I just had Josh." She explains.

"But we are two and a half years further, our baby boy is not that much of a baby anymore, I am engaged to the love of my life and every time I watch you with our little boy I can't help but imagine having a little one added and watch you be the amazing mummy you are." She continues.

"But why do you seem like you don't want to talk about it?" Beth asks frowning. "Every time he brings it up, your reaction tells me to drop it."

"It's not that I don't want to talk about it Beth." Viv whispers reassuringly as they lock eyes. "I just don't know if we are at that point in our relationship so I rather stay silent then to throw you off with something you are not prepared for yet." She squeezes Beth's thighs softly and smiles slightly. "Every time he brings it up you look panicked, so I thought leaving it be would be the best thing."

"I only look so panicked because I thought you weren't there yet." Beth whines, she runs a hand down her face as Viv just raises an eyebrow and sighs. "So you are telling me that we could've long had this conversation, but I read your body language wrong and you mine?"

"Sounds like it." Viv muses. "We also broke one of the rules we set for ourselves." She adds. "We promised to talk about our thoughts, but we both opted to stay silent." She wraps her arms around Beth's waist and tilts her head. "But we are talking now." She continues with a slight grin. "Do you feel like we are at that point of our relationship, Beth?"

"I do, do you think it's too early seeing we are not even married yet?"

"Liefje if I had the needed extras, I would've knocked you up far before I proposed." Viv deadpans. "Believe me, I tried."


Viv throws her head back with a laugh as soon as she sees Beth's absolute shocked face and smiles cheekily. "Yes?" She snickers as Beth opens and closes her mouth more than once and squeezes her hips softly. "Proof enough that I am more than ready to have this talk with you?"

"You imagine having a second mini us sprinting around with Joshi and Myle?" Beth asks softly, voice filled with emotions.

"My imagination goes a bit further love." Viv teases. "I imagine our own grounded football club, 11 mini's preferably all looking as gorgeous as you do, Joshi as their coach and Myle being the mascot." She bites the inside of her cheek to keep her face serious as Beth's eyes widen comically and exhales through her nose.

"You little shit!" Beth exclaims hitting her arm as she hears her soft muffled laugh. "I thought you were serious and didn't know how to get that idea out of your head!"

"Sorry, sorry." Viv laughs wrapping her arms tightly around her waist as she tries to stand up. "But yes I am imagining that, not the football club but maybe one or two more mini's running around Beth." She continues seriously. "I was serious about them looking like you though, I would love having one or two blonde haired sweethearts running around with striking blue eyes."

"So one or two more?" Beth asks softly, she plays with the little hairs on the back of Viv's neck as she hums softly while biting her lip and smiles. "That sounds perfect." She whispers dipping her head to kiss her softly. "Enough talk or.."

"What are our options?" Viv asks curiously.

"Well adoption." Beth starts noticing Viv is open to talk more. "But I would like to carry."

"Really?" Viv asks in surprise. "But Beth that would mean.."

"That would mean that I won't be playing for a while." Beth cuts off, she cracks a grin as Viv hums and shrugs. "You are not the only one putting our family in front of your career Vivianne, I would love to carry our babies unless you want to carry too."

"I.." Viv cuts herself off and frowns. "Will it sound bad if I say that I don't want to carry at all?"

"Of course not." Beth breathes with a grin. "Just like I said, I would love to do it Vivi."

"You will be even more gorgeous." Viv muses as she runs her hands from Beth's hips to her abs, she smiles as Beth drops her head with a blush and uses that opportunity to kiss her forehead.

"Smooth." Beth mumbles blushing as she hides her face against her shoulder.

"Always." Viv chuckles as she hugs her close, she lovingly runs her hand up her back and smiles against the top of her head. "Talk more?"

"Talk more as soon as we think it's time to take the next step?" Beth asks softly. "I think we both need a nap too."

"Sounds perfect liefje." Viv whispers as she stretches out on the couch, she chuckles as Beth immediately crawls on top of her and kisses her softly. "I can't wait to see what the future holds for the both of us."

"Me neither Vivi." Beth whispers as she reaches for the remote control, she turns on an episode of Sweet Valley High and cuddles close with a soft content sigh. She wraps her arms around Viv's waist as she feels her arms wrap around her shoulders and slides her hands under the top Viv wears the skin on skin contact allowing her to relax and nap until Josh wakes up.

If you have any wishes or ideas for this story or for When Friendship turns into love, please let me know!

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