Interview & vacation plans

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Ready Vivianne? The Dutch interviewer from War-child asks.

Viv nods her head as she holds the Switch controller in her hand and chuckles as Josh looks at her with a grin. ''Which character baby?''

''Joshi, mama!''

''Joshi it is.'' Viv muses as she selects the green character, she moves the screen so Josh can see the cars and smiles. ''Pick one JoJo.''

Can you answer questions between Viv?

''Of course.'' Viv breaths out as she selects the car Josh points at.

Perfect, so someone in the chat asks what your favorite thing to do is on a day off.

''It depends all on how training or a match went.'' Viv breaths out as she starts the game, she smiles as Beth wordlessly walks over to help Josh climb on the chair beside her and wraps both of her arms around him still holding the controller silently telling him what buttons he can push to throw a banana peel or use a boost. ''But we mostly spend it with JoJo and our pup, either we go out and do something nice or we just hang out in the backyard and enjoy the silence.''

Okay next question, do you speak Dutch at home with JoJo and Beth?

''I try to teach JoJo Dutch yes,'' Viv responds chuckling. ''But Beth doesn't speak Dutch that well so it's mostly English.'' She adds smirking as Beth looks up from her phone with an amused grin.

''Ik kan hear jou.''

''Ik kan hear jou?'' She asks chuckling.

''Hoor jou, mummy.'' Josh corrects giggling, Viv just locks eyes with Beth a shit-eating grin appearing on her lips as her eyebrows raise in surprise, and ruffles Josh's hair.

''That's right.'' She breaths out as the interviewer laughs too, she turns back to the screen as Beth just shakes her head with a soft huff and high-fives Jo as she drives over the finish line. ''Awesome baby.'' She compliments.

Oh next question from the chat Viv The interviewer announces. Who cooks the most?

Viv points at herself with a chuckle as Josh slides off of the chair quickly growing bored of the conversation and watches him walk out into the backyard after Beth tells him that he can go and play. Afraid to say it out loud? The interviewer asks in amusement.

She nods her head as she pulls a face hearing Myle follow Josh out into the backyard and licks her lips. ''Beth doesn't like to cook, so I am the housewife out of us two.'' She looks over her laptop as she notices movement, laughing as she notices Beth's look after she uses the English word and turns back to the screen. ''You have to see the looks she is shooting me.''

So you cook and clean yes? The interviewer asks chuckling.

''Nah we clean both but I do most of the cooking, I mostly send her away before she can start something to save myself and Jo..'' She dugs with a soft laugh as a pillow flies towards her head, having spoken extra slowly so Beth understands and shoots her girlfriend a cheeky grin. ''You missed, Lieverd.''

Someone will love the dog house tonight. The interviewer teases laughing

Viv smiles sheepishly as Beth just shakes her head and chuckles. ''Yeah I think so, thank god Josh's bed is big enough for us both.'' She muses watching Beth walk into the kitchen, she quirks an eyebrow as she stops in front of her and tilts her head.

She grabs her glass to take a sip of her water as Beth looks over her shoulder into the backyard, looking back at the screen as she places her glass back down and glances back up as she notices Beth move.

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