VS Chelsea

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''Vivianne!'' Beth gasps dropping down on her knees beside her fiance after James wrongfully blocked Viv's jump to reach the ball and used her elbow to keep her away.

''Am fine,'' Viv grumbles trying to push herself up even though her head throbs. ''Take the kick.''

''Like hell, you're fine.'' Beth breathes as she keeps her down after calling the medics over. ''You are bleeding, stay down please.'' She jumps up as soon as the medics drop down to their knees beside Viv and turns on her heels. ''What the fuck James!'' She hisses as she pushes her. ''It's okay to be competitive, but cut the fucking kindergarten crap.''

''Don't go all McCard now babes.'' Steph breathes as she intervenes the second James just smirks, she pulls Beth back as the referee jogs over to check on them and nods her head silently telling her that they are fine. ''Go check up on your wifey.'' She mumbles as she pushes Beth over to Viv as she notices the medics pack up and Viv sit up.

Beth walks back over to Vivi after squeezing Steph's hand and frowns as she notices the bandage wrapped around her head. ''No chance for you to sit the last fifteen minutes out huh?'' She asks holding out her hands to help her up.

''You got that right.'' Viv breathes as she adjusts her socks. ''Are you taking the kick?''

Beth nods her head as Katie just passes her the ball, watching her jog over to the box with Steffy and grabs it. She glances at Viv as she hovers near her the second the referee moves the wall back and raises an eyebrow. ''What do you have in mind?'' She asks covering her mouth in case someone manages to lip-read.

''I want to get that damn smirk off of Hayes face.'' Viv sighs also covering her mouth. ''After her press conference yesterday, I just can't take her seriously.''

''Me neither.'' Beth sighs knowing the whole sports world is mad about Hayes talking about how player-to-player and player-coach relationships are inappropriate. ''What do you want to do?''

''Can you pass wide?'' Viv asks as she stands beside her, just towards the middle, I need to get rid of some anger so I need to kick before I end up with a card for getting rid of LJ's smirk too.

''Run from here or take position beforehand?'' Beth asks quickly as the referee takes her position, she takes a few steps back as Viv just stays standing knowing she will sprint towards the ball and raises both of her hands making it seem like she will high pass the ball into the box.

She sprints towards the ball, the same time Viv sprints towards the middle and yelps as she loses her footing right after she passes the ball to Viv. She pushes herself up as she hears the loud clash of cleats hitting the ball, watching the ball soar mid-high past a few jumping players and winces as Stina dodges the ball too late.

''Shit Blacky.'' Viv gasps as she sprints over knowing how much force she had in that one kick, she lifts her hand calling over the medics as Stina sits dazed on the ground and kneels down beside her. ''I'm so sorry.''

''Amazing assist goat.'' Stina breathes chuckling as she lays down after Viv pushed against her shoulder. ''Fucking hell, how much power did you put in that kick.''

''All of it,'' Viv murmurs sheepishly as the girls surround them, all of them crouching down to pat Stina's abs. ''I did not plan on it being an assist though.''

''You know me,'' Stina murmurs as the medics hand her the painkiller inhalator. ''Always here to steal your goals.''

Viv shakes her head with a soft laugh as the other girls chuckle and pats Stina's abs as the medics inform them that she will be subbed, Beth slides up beside her as she notices Viv run a hand down her face knowing she feels guilty and gently runs her hand down her back.

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