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''Damn, that was delicious.'' Beth breaths out as she walks out of the bakery that just opened up around town, she turns to Viv as she hums in agreement and smiles. ''Any other plans for this spontaneous day out Vivi?''

''Not really but your parents won't be back with Josh until after dinner.'' Viv breaths out. ''What do you recommend around here?''

''Anything off limits?'' Beth asks softly as they walk towards her car.

''Nah I'm up to do whatever.'' Viv breaths out, she glances at Beth as she notices her thoughtful frown and chuckles. ''Are you really wracking your brain to think of something I would like?''

She sighs as Beth hums and stops in her tracks, she grabs Beth's arm before she can continue walking and pulls her aside. ''Beth I appreciate that I really do, but we can do whatever you want, I already picked our breakfast spot.''

''Are you sure?'' Beth asks. ''I know you aren't really big on having many people around you.''

''I will live.'' Viv muses. ''Pick whatever you want to do.'' She breaths out as they continue their path to the car, Beth just smiles as she unlocks her car and opens her door. ''I have the perfect activity which also allows us to keep up our fitness.''

''Oh boy.'' Viv breaths out as she drops in the passenger seat. ''Do I have to worry?''

''Worry about getting dirty yes.'' Beth breaths out chuckling, she laughs as Viv turns to her with an eyebrow raised and pulls out of the parking lot after they both put their seat belts on. ''Just wait and see Vivi.''

She snickers as Viv just continues looking at her, reaching out to turn on the radio and smiles as the first song that blasts through the speakers is Cornelia Street. Viv laughs leaning back in her seat and turns to Beth. ''Secret Swiftie?''

''No but I know that you are.''

''Who..'' Viv grumbles as Beth just laughs and drops her head. ''I'm gonna kill her.''

''Isn't it St Patty soon?'' Beth asks in amusement. ''I don't think you are allowed to kill Leprechauns before and during the month March Viv.''

''God damn holy days.'' Viv fake grumbles in amusement,

''Don't you mean holidays?'' Beth asks laughing.

''Nope, the day means everything to Katie, so Holy days.'' She smiles as Beth bursts into a fit of giggles and turns to her. ''If you crash, I will kick your arse, Bethany.''

''Did you just full name me?'' Beth asks turning to her in surprise, ignoring how the flutters in her stomach act up almost immediately.

''Wouldn't full naming you include your second name?'' Viv muses. ''Bethany Jane right?''

''That's unfair.'' Beth blurts out. ''You have too many names.'' She whines, she rolls her eyes as Viv just smirks and shakes her head. ''Arse.''


''You are an arse.'' Beth breathes out. ''Better?'' She chuckles as Viv just throws her head back with a laugh and fake grumbles. ''I will ask Lotte how to pronounce your name.''

''Good luck.'' Viv muses. ''Even Lotte struggles.''

Beth just rolls her eyes as she parks her car and takes off her seat belt. ''I know Astrid.'' She muses. ''I also know Margaretha, what are the other three?''

''Two.'' Viv breaths out. ''I'm not gonna tell you.''

Beth rolls her eyes and taps her radio. ''Hey Siri..''

''Nee!'' Viv laughs out. ''That's cheating!'' She turns to Beth's radio as Siri replies and chuckles. ''Siri, shut up.''

''Hey, she has feelings too!'' Beth laughs out.

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