Josh & Beth

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The next morning

Beth groans softly, squeezing her eyes shut as a noise wakes her up, and sighs tiredly snuggling back against the heating pad tucked against her front. She frowns in confusion as said heating pad scoots back to press fully against her with a soft hum and wakes up with a start as she hears Josh's giggles over the monitor this time, she blinks in confusion as she notices the position she is lying in and rubs her eyes.

''When the hell did I become the big spoon?'' She whispers to herself not having noticed having moved during the night, she slowly shakes her head as she hears Viv's soft relaxed breathing knowing the striker is still fast asleep, and reaches over her to turn the baby monitor off so it doesn't wake her.

She carefully scoots back freezing as Viv grumbles in her sleep, grabbing the pillow she slept on just moments before to tuck it against Viv's back and sighs softly in relief as she watches her just turn on her back and grab the pillow to cuddle with it, she slowly walks out of the room making sure to stay as silent as possible as she closes the door behind her and walks down the hall to Josh's room. ''Good morning buddy.'' She breaths out as he looks up at her with a big grin.


She picks him up out of his crib as he lifts his arms, walks over to the table to change his diaper, and taps his nose as he continues looking up at her with a grin. ''Ready for breakfast honey?''


''Mama is still asleep buddy.'' She tells him softly as she picks him back up after changing him into the black shorts and Arsenal shirt she finds in the first drawer, she walks down the stairs with him on her hip and looks down at him. ''What do you want for breakfast JoJo?''


''Pancakes?'' She asks as she walks into the kitchen, she places him in his high chair as he nods and smiles. ''Pancakes it is, but first?''


''That's right.'' She breaths out grabbing the pitcher of homemade apple juice Viv made for him, she fills his anti-leaking cup with it making sure to add water to it like Viv always does, and places it on the table attached to his chair making sure to place him near her as she rummages around for the ingredients she needs


''Yes, honey?'' She asks as she looks down at him.


''Rona is in Whitby darling, we will drive down next week.'' She tells him with a smile, she runs her hand through his hair as he pouts and winks. ''You can cuddle her in a few days.'' She tells him softly as she prepares the batter, she opens Viv's fridge after making the pancake batter and grabs the fruit she finds holding it up for Josh.

''Apple and banana, or strawberry and melon JoJo?'' She asks.

''Berrymelon!'' Josh tells her with a big excited grin, she places the bananas and apples back and cuts up the fruit handing him two pieces to snack on, she slides him closer to the kitchen counter so she can keep an eye on him while making breakfast and smiles as she hears him making car sounds while he drives over his table with his favorite car.


She turns her head as Josh squeals for Viv after she places the pancakes she made on a plate, smiling as she notices Viv leaning against the doorway still looking tired. ''Good morning.'' She breaths out chuckling. ''You look rough.''

''Probably look as bad as I feel.'' Viv murmurs as she walks over, she leans down to kiss Josh's head and chuckles wiping her thumb down the corner of his mouth. ''Good morning darling, are the strawberries good?''

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