Chap. 2- Talking to Pierson Pt. 1

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Brent POV:

I could feel my hands shake as I opened the door for Pierson to come in. As usual she came early so we could just hang out and have some time together.

P- Brent!

she gave me a hug as I closed the door

Br-Pierson I missed you (I whispered into her ear)

P-you literally saw me yesterday

No Ones POV:

she smiled as she pulled out of the hug

P-so what do you wanna do

Br-well I wanted to talk to you-

P-oh yea the text messages

Pierson said cutting him off

Br-yeah those so where do you want to talk

P-the couch is fine

they walked over to the couch and sat facing each other

Br-so Pierson I just wanted to tell you tha-

P-hold on a sec Austins calling me

BTW: if you haven't noticed Brent doesn't know that Pierson has a BF

I'll post the next part in a few hours💛💛💛

~140 Words

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