Chap. 3- Talking to Pierson Pt. 2

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Brent POV:

Whos Austin and why did she get all stressed when he called. Brent your getting too stressed he told himself she probably works with him or he's her family member. but thats when he heard it.

P: yea I'll meet you tomorrow babe. love you bye.

Brent couldn't handle it anymore he ran upstairs into his room and locked the door. he started crying and dug his face into his pillow.

Pierson POV:

I was on the phone with Austin and he was shouting again. I didn't want to listen to him so I told him that i'd meet him tomorrow and that I loved him. but did I really? then I heard Brent run up the stairs. I climbed up slowly. 

P-Brent are you ok?

I shouted

No Ones POV:

P-Brent where are you???

she asked concerned. then she heard crying coming from Brent's room. 


she exclaimed running to the door. she tried to open it but it was locked. she knelt down looking through the small crack under the door and said...

P-Brent I know your in there please open up

Br-its no use Pierson just leave me alone

he said through tears

P-please I just want to know whats wrong maybe I can do something abt it

Br- there-s n-nothing you can d-do

he said now sobbing

Br- ju-st go away I canceled plans with the group

P-if it makes you feel better sure 

she said softly

P-I had plans with my boyfriend anyways

Brent POV:

hearing this  I cried even harder. I heard piersons car leave. A few minuted later a car pulled up. I looked out the window and saw that my sister Lexi was here. though she could be annoying at times this time I knew she was here to help.

Lexi Rivera POV:

As soon as Brent canceled the plans we had for today I knew something was up. He probably was sad or depressed. knowing him he probably tried to make a move on Pierson and got rejected. But even then he wouldn't cancel the plans so I knew this was something bad. I got him food from his favorite restaurant and went to his house.

No Ones POV:

Brent unlocked his door and went downstairs. Lexi came up to him and saw that he'd been crying for a long time. she went and hugged him. (yeah I know weird thing for siblings to do😅)

Lr- Brent what happened

Br- I was gonna make a move on pierson but then I heard her talking on the phone with her boyfriend.

Lr-oh Brent why didn't you ask me first

Br-you knew she was in a relationship

Lr-yeah she told us a month ago I thought you knew

But that just made him cry more so Lexi cleaned brent up and took him to the couch for a real talk.

~449 Words

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