Chap. 16-Paris Pt. 2

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Ev=Eva (Brents ex)

No Ones POV:

Ev-Brent long time no see


Ev-Yeah its me looks like you forgot

Br-No its just been a long time.

Pierson started walking towards them

Ev-Well lookie here did you get yourself a girlfriend

Br-No She's just a friend😅

P-am I re-😠

Brent mouthed to pierson

Br-Just go with it🤫

Ev-oh so if you guys are just friends then whats that doing there???

Brents POV:

She motioned to Piersons neck. Oh I should have never gave her that why did we even make out in the plane.


P-its a burn

Ev-Fine I'll believe you this time 

Eva finally walked away so I held Piersons hand led led her somewhere private to talk.


Br- Woah Pierson calm down

P-how can I calm down is she like your other girlfriend or something😤

Br-Correction EX girlfriend

P-Then why wouldn't you tell her we were dating🤨

Br-Eva's just a little crazy...

P-what do you mean by craz-

Br-I mean she's got serious anger issues like SERIOUS ANGER ISSUES.

P-what does that have to do with me???

Br-If she knew your my girlfriend she might try to hurt you

I pulled her in for a tight hug

Br-and I can't let anything happen to you

P-sometimes I don't understand you Brent.🙄

Br-As long as you love me I'll be fine😊

P-I love you😊😁

Br-I love you too

I gave her a long passionate kiss. I was about to make out with her when she pushed me away.

P-Brent were in public😳

Br-oh sorry I forgot😅

P-we can continue in our room😉


No Ones POV:

They walked back to the group holding hands.

Je-eww get a room

Br-bro chill were just holding hands

Dr-it can lead to so much more

P-maybe it will not now but later😉

Lr-Ok just don't make me a aunt too soon😏

P-we wont🙄

Br-Now lets go to our rooms

Everyone went to their rooms.

*With Pierson and Brent*

Br-so you want to continue what we started?😉

(yeah this parts gonna have a little fluff...)

(don't question I'm really bored)

Piersons POV:

He pinned me to the wall and started kissing me all over my face.

P-Brent go easy😩

Br-How can I your so cute I can't resist

Brent started kissing my neck. I ran my hands through his hair trying not to moan. 

P-don't you think we should stop now

He stopped kissing my neck.

Br-You wanna stop ok

Br-I know you can't resist

He leaned in stopping ever so close to my lips

P-ugh😫 Why do you have to do this to me.

Br-come on I know you want to😏

Why did he always have to do this to me?😩 I crashed my lips onto his kissing him passionately

P-You know I can't resist

I said keeping my lips on his while talking.

Br-I can't resist either

He said as I pulled out

P-but we have to get going now the groups waiting for us

Br-I know but I just wanted to spend some time with you

P-we can do that at night


P-sure fine but lets not go too far😉

Br-yes ma'am

P-Brent call me anything but "ma'am"

Br-will do hun

P-Thats more like it😁😁

Its a little short but I had homework sry

If you haven't already go check out Brierson1212's story!!!

~480 words

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