Chap. 21-Netflix and Kiss😎

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Guys watch this Video!!! Brent and Pierson go on another date. Its Jordan Matters new video so yeah.

How would Pierson know he needed to shave they haven't been on any vacation recently😭

Brent better take her on a real date😂

No Ones POV:

The group had a fun time at dinner then they went back to Brent and Pierson's room to chill and hang out.

P-you coming in or what

she said mentioning to the group

Lr-afraid I'll see cond-😏


P-come in guys🙄😁

They went in and sat on Brent and Piersons bed to watch something

P-Hey can we kiss😘

Br-well you can but I can't😩

P-well i'm gonna kiss you😊

Br-Pierson your making this harder on me😣

P-I know... Daddy😏


Je-guys were trying to watch the movie

An-aren't you guys supposed to be taking a break from each other???

Lr-The rules changed! Brents taking a break from Pierson but she isn't taking a break from him.

Br-I still say it isn't fair

Dr-I think its fair

D-yeah this way Brent can focus with us

Br-I'll think about it

Li-Well we've actually gotta test you 

Br-what do you mean???

Lr-go sit on the couch

she pointed to the couch

The couch:

Brent sat in the middle and everyone sat around him except Pierson

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Brent sat in the middle and everyone sat around him except Pierson

Br-Are you gonna sit down prin- Pierson

Lr-come on Pierson do your thing😏

Br-huh what do you mean

Brents POV:

Pierson smiled and sat my lap.



I said trying not to look at her sweet longing eyes

P-Can you kiss me???



Br-I can't😑

P-Why not???

Br-You know why

P-fine then I'll kiss you


Pierson grabbed my face and kissed me both her legs around me.

Je-eww whats happening!!!🤢

Lr-Brents trying his hardest😏

I didn't move my lips and tried not to kiss back. I knew she'd do this.😩 the thing I did to her when I wanted her to kiss me. she didn't take her lips off mine and started talking.

P-kiss me back pleeeeaaaseee

I tried to pull away but she held my face



Her lips were still on mine and I tried to pull away for the second time.

Br-Pierson ummm.... I have to go somewhe-

P-your not going anywhere baby

Br-ugh come on Pierson you know I can't resist

P-I know you can't dad

Br-Thats it

I grabbed her waist and started to kiss her fiercely

Lr-fail from Brent🙄😂

she said laughing

Br-honestly I don't care

I said keeping my lips on Pierson's and smiling.

Je-I think were all gonna go now

An-yeah you guys look like your dying to make out😏

Br-I mean your not wrong

I said not taking my lips off piersons or looking away from her for a second. The group went out while I sat on the couch Pierson straddling me.

Br-you don't know how hard it was to do that😊

P-I could see you struggling😉

Br-honestly I never want to take another break ever

P-me neither😅

No Ones POV:

They made out for a while 

but we don't have to get into that

You know what why not. I'm writing it!!!


Pierson ran her hands through Brents hair as he started to kiss her neck. She smiled and kissed his hair. He moved his hands up piersons's shirt and moved his lips back to hers.

Piersons POV:

Br-Can I please kiss the life out of you😉

P-you don't need to ask but lets take this to the bed😁

He carried me to the bed and laid me down. He backed out of the kiss and smirked as he slowly took my shirt off. He started kissing down my neck leaving a trail of hickeys. Did I care If someone noticed? No. was I going to do something about it? definitely not!!!


I said tugging at his shirt


he said gasping for air

P-can you-

Br-I know what you want

He took off his shirt and threw it on the floor

ok thats all i'm gonna do cause it turns out I'm really bad at writing fluff. Who would've known???

Anyways basically they made out for a while (but they didn't go any further). then they went to sleep.

Thanks for reading tell me if you want me to write more fluff or not I'm pretty bad at writing it but if you want I'll try. (don't worry I'll never go too far)

~670 Words

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