Chap. 14- Packing for Paris

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(Btw this is a few days later)

(And in case your confused Brent and Pierson have went on many dates since their first kiss)

Brents POV:

Yesterday I bought the ring with Lexi due to the fact that she knows pierson well. I had to take extra time to get her to shut up and not tell Pierson. Me and Lexi know about the trip but now I need to tell the rest of the squad. I told them all to meet at the amp house for a big announcement.

*The squad is all at the amp house right now and their sitting on the couch*

Br-so I have an announcement

An-You and pierson are having a kid

Lh-girl or boy!!!

P-Me and Brent aren't having children


she whispered to me

Li- then what is it

Lr-were goi-

Br-Lexiuuhh I told you i was gonna tell them


Br-so tomorrow were all going on a trip to Paris for 5 days


P-wait Brent are you being fr were all going

Br-as real as I can get

all except Brent and Lexi- your the best Brent

so now for the rooms we've got.

Lexi h-Liv

Lexi r-Andrew (LANDREW!!!!)


Dom-Drew(if you don't know Drew he appears in a lot of brents videos.)


Dr(Drew)-I'm guessing you and pierson will be having some fun in your room.


Dr-just don't make too much noise

P-we wont🙄😅

Br-now everyone go and pack cause were leaving really soon

All except Brent-OK!!!

No ones POV:

A few minutes later everyone leaves but Pierson

P-Brent could you help me pack

Br-sure I already packed in advance


They drove over to piersons house and knocked on the door


P-hi logy. Me and Brent are just going to go upstairs to start packing for a trip.

L-what trip

Br-the squads going on a trip to Paris tomorrow

L-lemme guess you guys are sharing a room

They nodded their heads.

P-ok lets go upstairs

before they went upstairs logan whispered to brent

L-just don't break the bed

Br-will do

Brent said blushing

Brent and Pierson went upstairs to pierson's room to start packing

P-so I'm gonna try some stuff on then you can tell me if it looks good or not

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