Chap. 22- Problems???🤨

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Brents POV:

Todays the day our last day in Paris and the day I'm gonna propose to Pierson. 

*The phone rang*

Br-Jeremy could you get  that?


Br-never mind

I said seeing it was Sophia.

Picture of Sophia (so ya'll don't have to imagine):

Picture of Sophia (so ya'll don't have to imagine):

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On The Phone:

So(Sophia)-Hey Love

Br-Hello Sophia where are you right now???

So-I'm in a taxi on my way to the hotel

Br-wait wait when you arrive don't come in I have a big surprise for you

So-Ok Brenty I'll see you later

So-*kisses into phone*

Br-Bye Sophia

Br-*kisses back into the phone*

Btw The phone was on speaker.

Piersons POV:

I was walking to the girls when I heard Brent on the phone. I decided to scare him. I waited by the door. wait who was he talking to??? ITS A GIRL!!! wait calm down pierson. I heard her blow a kiss to him and him blow one back. OK NOW IM GETTING MAD!!! I ran back to the hotel room trying not to cry. I never thought Brent would cheat. He's always so good to me why is this happening all of a sudden???

Brents POV:

Hmm... why isn't Pierson with the rest of the group. she was really excited to go to the Eiffel tower today. I saw the rest of the group sitting on the couch most on phones Lexi on Andrews lap. I pretended to gag I mean not gonna lie they look pretty cute together.

An-shut up Brent

Lr-you and Pierson do this all the time

Br-fine. But more importantly where is Pierson???

Je-why are you asking us???

Li-your her boyfriend your supposed to know🙄

Br-thanks for your help🙄

Lr-your welcome😌

I walked back to me and Piersons room trying to find her. I heard crying through the door. I opened the door slowly peering through the crack.

Br-Pier you in here???

No Ones POV:

P-uh y-yeah

she said a few tears falling down her cheek. she quickly wiped them away afraid Brent would see. Brent went and sat next to her on the bed.

Br-what happened Princess???

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