Chap. 18-Paris Shenanigans

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P-Don't Pier me I can't date a cheater like you were done!!!😭😠

Br-I'm not a cheater!

P-You fucking bitch!!!😠

Ev-you'll never see anyone of us again

Br-I never wanna see you again but Pier-

P-don't say my name again!!!

Brents POV:

The elevator opened and we all got out. Pierson avoided eye contact as we walked towards the group.


I said softly then put a hand on her shoulder. She brushed it off walking angrily to the place we'd meet up with the group in.

No Ones POV:

They both walked up to the table the group was sitting in to have lunch. they sat down on opposite sides looking down.

Je-whats up with those two

Jeremy whispered to Ben. Ben shrugged finishing his food.

Lr-Whats up with you two today?

She said motioning to Brent and Pierson

Br-were always like this

Li-You two are like all over each other

An-The masters of PDA

P-Guys were fine can you guys stop now.

An-Ope ok🙄

They finished their food and went back to their rooms to rest a little.

Brents POV:

I saw pierson walking to our room and I ran up to her. I grabbed her hands and turned her to face me.

Br-Pierson you can't just ignore me the whole trip

P-Yes I can. And I will.

Br-But Pier I miss you

P-go get Eva or something. honestly I don't give a shit.

Br-were not even dating did you really believe her

P-yeah you kissed her in the elevator what should I expect?!


P-Ok, ok calm down lets fight in our room at least

Br-I don't want to fight

I said as we walked to our room and closed the door.

P-Explain to me what happened and I'll try to believe you

Br-So basically The lights went off and I was trying to find you. She was in front of me and I thought she was you. Eva grabbed my face and kissed me. Then you guys started fighting with me and yeah.

P-Do you think I'm gonna believe that🙄

Br-Yea it's a pretty good explanation. Plus I would never want to get back with Eva cause she was a bitch to me and left me for another guy.

P-Really. Then why was she all over you in the elevator huh? 

Br-I don't know. I told you she's a bitch. So can you PLEEEAAAASSSSEEEE forgive me?🥺🥺🥺

P-Sure. But on ONE condition. If you dare kiss a girl that isn't me. Your DEAD. Ya hear me.

Br-Yes ma'am 

P-I already told you to stop calling me that🙄


P-oh really???

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