Chap. 26-Ending of The Ending

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No Ones POV:

A month later Brent asked Pierson to move in and they bought a new house. After about 8 months Brent and Pierson decided to get married. they had a great wedding and the whole squad was invited. On the way back to their house  Piersons water broke.


Br-yes honey


Brent looked at Pierson.

P-I think my water broke

Br-Wait actually???


pierson said wincing


They rushed to the hospital in Brent car.

*at the Hospital*

I don't know what happens here bear with me pls

Br-Hello my wife is pregnant and her water broke

Do(Doctor)-come right in

They led Pierson to the room.

Do-Mrs. Rivera

Pierson giggled at the sound of it. 

Br-told you you'd be Mrs. Rivera one day

Do-Mr. Rivera not the time


*skip to after all that stuff cause I honestly don't really know what happens and I'm too lazy to search it up*

Do-I'm happy to say that you have a beautiful baby girl

Brent and Pierson started crying out of happiness.

Do-so what do you want to name her

They thought for a second

Br-you thinking what i'm thinking

P-I'm thinking what your thinking PARIS (IFYKYK)


Do-thats a beautiful name

Brent and Pierson smiled at each other. 

And from then on they had one big happy family.

Don't ask I don't know how to end it

They ended up having a son named James and another girl named Amelia

The full names of the family(what I'm bored???):

Brent Austin Rivera

Pierson Alexa Wodzynski

Aurora Abagail Rivera

James Andrew Rivera (you know who the middle name is named after)

Amelia Alice Rivera

All there middle names start with an A cause I just think its cute.

thx for reading. sorry this chapter was a lil cringe ok make that a lot cringe.

I'm ending the story here I guess (it was supposed to be last chapter but anyways...) BYE!!!

And again make sure to check out my new book: Shipped Next Door

And my collab book: Island Hearts

on the account: brierson4eva

THANK YOU again for all the love this book got!!! My goal was 1k and you guys helped me reach it and more!!! I wasn't planning to write another one but now I am!!! so... yeah THANK YOU!!!!

~340 Words

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