Chap. 7-Movie Night

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Brent POV:

we got back from the beach and went to my house. it was dark and no one was on the streets so we made sure to keep quiet. I opened the door for pierson letting her go inside.


P-I see your being a gentleman

she said smiling. 

Br-you deserve it

I smiled and looked at the floor trying not to blush.

P-Thank you

Br-for what opening the door?


she gave me a peck on the cheek

P-for everything you did today 

Br-your welcome it was nothing

I felt myself getting red so I walked over to the couch and sat down.

Br-you wanna watch a movie

P-sure what do you wanna watch

Br-what about titanic

I said trying not to blush

P-fine by me

Pierson POV:

Brent went to get some snacks while I sat opening the movie. I knew I'm starting to have a crush on him but does he feel the same way towards me. right before coming here I gave him a kiss on the cheek and he turned red does that mean something? stop over thinking!

Br-hey i'm back lets start the movie


Br-pierson you look cold

Brent went to get a cover and one of his sweatshirts. He gave me the sweatshirt to put on and laid the cover over the two of us. Oh how much I missed these nights. We stopped having them ever since Austin became my boyfriend. Suddenly I felt the urge to cry. I started to tear up but  Brent put his arm around me. I felt a lot calmer and I put my head on his shoulder. We cuddled while watching the movie and then I slept. 

Brent POV:

Pierson started sleeping on my shoulder. I realized that she'd probably want to continue the movie tomorrow so I closed it. I couldn't help staring at her for a few seconds. she looked so peaceful and calm. I picked her up and took her upstairs. I laid her on my bed and tucked her in.

Br-goodnight pier

I said then I kissed her forehead. I got a pillow and blanket and made my way to the door quietly. I opened the door but pierson woke up.

P-What are you doing?

she asked half asleep

Br-oh I was just getting my stuff to go down and sleep

P-why don't you sleep here.

I hesitated

P-oh is this because of Austin? don't worry me and him wont get together ever again. He was a jerk anyways.

hearing those words made me smile. I put my stuff back and sat down on my bed. 

Br-goodnight pier 

P-night Brent

 This chapter was longer than I expected but it makes up for all those other short chapters.

the new part will be out soon.

Im surprised with the amount of chapters I made! comment what you think will happen!!!💛💛💛

~470 words

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