Chap. 23-Rejection!!!😩

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Brents POV:

Br- Pierson I love you.

When I first met you, I thought you were the girl for me. And I was so right!

The first time we kissed I knew we were meant to be.

You make me feel happy and loved and I'm so grateful for you in my life

I love and respect everything about you, and I'm so excited for our future.

Together we can make a beautiful life and I'm ready for anything that comes our way

And those are just a few of the reasons I'm hoping you'll spend the rest of your life with me.

So Pierson Alexa Wodzynski Will you marry me?

P-Brent could I talk to you in private???

Huh whats happening??? this is not how I imagined it to go at all!!!

P-I'm sorry Brent. This is all so sweet and I love you too but...

Br-are you saying you never want to get married

P-no I'm just not ready now

Br-oh ok

I said a little disappointed. 

P-please don't be mad

Br-I'm not mad

I said then walked back to the group

No Ones POV:

Je-so what happened

Jeremy said beaming


Brent said looking at the ground

Lr-does that mean she sai-

Br-lexiuh I said nothing!!!

Dr-Brent looks like he's in a bad mood

B-yeah lets go back to the hotel before he blows


Brent said under his breath. No one heard but Pierson.

P-Brent are you okay?

Brent kept walking without answering Pierson. The squad took a bus back to the hotel.

*On The Bus*

P-hey Brent you wanna here

Br-*ignores her and goes to sit next to Andrew*

P-*gets a little disappointed and sits with the girls*

*with the guys at the front of the bus*

An-Brent you shouldn't keep ignoring Pierson

Br-I'm not ignoring her

Brent mumbled looking down

Je-well then stop acting like a bitch towards her

Br-I'm just a little disappointed can't you guys just leave me alone

he said turning to look out the window

*with the girls at the back of the bus*




Lh-Are you ok???

P-honestly no Brents been ignoring me ever since I said no

Lr-he's just a little disappointed right now

Li-give him some time and he'll be fine

P-if you say so

the rest of the ride was quiet and a built up tension filled the air.

sorry for the short chapter thx for reading!!!

Random stuff I found of Pierson confirming Brierson or having a crush on him (Btw I didn't edit these Pierson actually posted them): 

Calling yourself Brierson I see🧐

She did not just call him papi😳 (IYKYK)

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She did not just call him papi😳 (IYKYK)

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~460 words

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