Chap. 6-You Deserve Someone Better

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Brents POV:

I went to the beach and found pierson sitting on a blanket on the sand.

Br: Pierson!!!

She stood up and I ran to her and gave her a tight hug. she dug her face into my shoulder her tears getting on my sweatshirt.

P:W-we broke up

she said now sobbing even harder.

Br-its ok, its ok

I put her head into my chest trying to calm her and rubbed her back until she stopped crying. I wiped her final tears off her cheeks with my thumb. And pulled out of the hug keeping one hand on her shoulder.

Br-now tell me exactly what happened

P-I went over to his house and he was making out with a-another girl 

she said starting to tear up again. I pulled her in for another hug. and started to whisper in her ear.

Br- Its ok you deserve someone else someone better.

I pulled out of the hug and held her hand.

Br- if your ok now we could get some food and go to my house.

P-I'd love that

she said smiling

We got into my car and drove to Mcdonalds. (I know that pierson drove to the beach bit lets pretend she didn't) I paid for our food and we went back to my house. Though i knew I shouldn't I couldn't help smiling at the idea that pierson was now single.

Piersons POV:

We sat in the car listening to music. Brent was being really sweet after calming me down he took me to get food and he even paid.(Brent I hope you do this in real life). It almost was like a date and I didn't mind. I mean Brent was sweet, cute, gentleman like, and also handsome. Wait am I falling for Brent? I can't be i just got out of a relationship.

Sorry the chapters a little short again but I'm trying to make each chapter longer then the next!!

Plus some interesting things are gonna happen in the next chapter.

Thx for reading!!!💛💛💛

~320 words

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