Chap. 11- Briersons official!!!

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Br- Now I have to ask you something, Pierson Alexa Wodzynski do you wanna be my girlfriend


Pierson POV:

I wrapped my arms around his neck and he pulled me in for another kiss.

Br-I love you Pier

He whispered in to my ear before kissing my cheek. I giggled.

P-I love you too

Br-  now come on we've got stuff to do

He grabbed my hand leading me downstairs and into his car.

P-Are we gonna go film?

Br-No I got something better.

Brent POV:

We talked and laughed on the car ride. After thirty minutes I reached to the back of the car and pulled out a blindfold. 

Br- Put this on I have a surprise for you.

P-Do you just keep random blindfolds in your car

She put it on smiling. I laughed.

Br-Only for special occasions.

Pierson POV:

We got out of the car and Brent led me holding my hand.

P-where are we going

I asked smiling. we walked for a few more seconds.

Br-ok were here!

He pulled off my blindfold.


I gave him a big hug.

Br-I needed to make up to you with something

P-Best boyfriend ever!!!

Br-What can I say. It's only because I have the best girlfriend ever.

P- what rides do you wanna go on???

I asked him excitedly talking quickly.

Br-Hold your horses

He said laughing

Br-First I gotta ask you a question. It's not that important but do you wanna keep our relationship private or tell people.

P-well we can tell our friend group but maybe we can hold off on telling the fans

Br-I agree. Now lets go have the time of our lives!

Sry this chapter wasn't very interesting or long but I had ski today. the next chapter will be longer and possibly more interesting thx for reading.💛💛💛

~273 Words

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