Chap. 9- Confession

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Pierson POV:

Me and and the girls went to get Starbucks but all i could think about was the kiss.


P-so what?

Lr-aren't we gonna talked about you and Brent making ou-


Lr- fine kissing

I stayed silent for awhile not knowing what to say.

Lh- well did you enjoy it?

P- honestly yeah

I said turning red

Lr- is he a good kisser???

P- probably 

Lh- what do you mean "probably"

P-well I blacked out then you guys came in and ruined our moment.

Lr- does this mean you like my brother


Lr-your gonna be my sis-in-law. yes!!!

Lh-well we gotta get you back there so you can talk about your kiss with him

Brent POV:

I heard the car come into the driveway. the girls came in through the front door. 

Br- Pierson!

I ran over to her and gave her a big hug.

Lr-oh so its only her now

Br-and you guys too

I gave each of them a small hug

Br-So Pierson I wanted to talk to you


Br-Lets go upstairs


Lr-Have fun

Lh-but not too much fun 😏


Pierson POV:

We went to brents room and he closed the door. we sat on the bed facing each other.

Br-so I think we need to talk about that kiss

P-what kiss. we didn't kiss.

Br-yes we did

P-no we didn't

I said turning red and sweating

P-theres nothing for us to talk about

I got up and started walking towards the door

Br- oh so your pretending that we didn't kiss

Brent got up and pinned me to the wall. he kissed me twice then let me go.

P-see now we have something to talk about

Br-Pierson I've been wanting to tell you this for a while now

P-I needed to tell you something too

Br-how about on the count of three




Br-I like you

P- I don't wanna be friends


P-yea I don't friends I wanna be more than friends.

Br- thats more like it

he said laughing

P- but Brent

Br- yeah?

P-I don't think I'm ready to be in a relationship

Br-its okay I'll wait for you

P-your the best. now lets go downstairs😁

Br- wait...

he pinned me to the wall and kissed me again.

Br-now we can go.

Sry this chapter was just a little shorter than the last but a lot of stuff happened in this chapter.

Who knows maybe the next chapter will have some drama 😉😉😉


~355 Words

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