Chap.19-Paris Princess👑

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Brent POV:

Br- Thanks Princess😉

B-PDA is goin crazy these days

I went over to pierson and gave her a kiss.

Lr-Are we just gonna forget about the hickey

P-no me and Brent will go cover it

Li-Nope the girls will help you

Lh-yeah whenever you and Brent go upstairs your making out

Br-Guilty as charged😊✋

P-ugh fine come on girls we'll go cover up that hickey

*up with the girls*

No Ones POV:

Lr-so you and my brother made out

Li-Trust me Lexi they've probably done more than that

P-no thats the farthest we've gone *under her breath* sadly

Lr-did I just hear that🤨

P-umm... no😳

Lh-you really are into him aren't you😁

P-honestly yeah he's just amazing😊

Lr-Thats it!!!


Lr-he's my brother!!!

P-whats wrong with that. that means your gonna be my sis-in-law😉

Lr-Yeah i know but he's disgusting🤢

P-Yeah I know you've already told me😅

Li-what do you see him😏

She said putting some more makeup on my neck. I blushed and smiled.

P-He's really sweet


P-He helped me when I broke up with Austin. And as I already mentioned he's so fucking hot.😳

Lr-you really are into my brother🙄😁

P-yup whats not to love about him😊


Li-agreed now lets go tell him

They went downstairs to tell the boys

Lr-Guys we have an announcement to make

Li-Brent and Pierson are gonna be taking a break from each other

Br-Pierson wha-🥺

Lh-calm down this wasn't her idea😁

Br- Then whos was it🤨


Li-so basically you guys are gonna take a break from dating for 3 days

Br-wait what no! Pierson???😩

P-its not my fault🙁

An-I totally agree maybe then papi Brent will date me😏

Br-not happening Piersons the only one for me😉

He said putting an arm around her and kissing her

Lr-aww you guys are really cute together🥰

Pierson blushed and put her face in brents shoulder

Lr-now come on move move

She said pushing Brent and Pierson away from each other

Br-wait wait just one more kiss please!!!😘


Brent and Pierson kissed. They started to make out to annoy Lexi.🤣😂

Lr-okay come on now you guys aren't a couple right now your just friends


Lr-you get to spend more time with us🤪

P-yea I guess😕

Li-Can't wait

P-Bye Brent😘

Br-Bye Princess🥰

~333 words

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