Chap. 24-A Lil Break???🥺

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No Ones POV:

The whole group got back to the hotel and everybody was sitting in the lobby drinking coffee.

Piersons POV:

I got some coffee and went to sit next to Brent. He was talking to Andrew so I sat next to him.

An-ima go check on Lexi.


An-Bye Brent and stop ignoring Pierson


He said looking down at his coffee.



P-please don't ignore me. I'm really sorry for hurting you. Please don't be mad at me.


Brent continued looking at his coffee taking small sips. I sighed and hugged my knees holding back tears. was I really gonna cry in public???

Brents POV:

I feel so bad for ignoring Pierson. I just couldn't bring myself to talk to her. every time I look at her I feel like breaking into tears. The truth is I'm not mad at her I'm mad at myself for not taking it slow and realizing she isn't ready. But now I'm somehow mad at her. what is wrong with me?! she didn't do anything. I'm just being a bitch!!! Out of the corner my eye I saw Pierson she was hugging her knees and looked like she was about to cry. was I gonna leave her like this??? of course not!


I said putting my hand on her shoulder. she looked up her eyes filled with tears. I'm surprised she hasn't cried yet. boy is she strong If I were her I'd be crying in seconds.

Br-Please don't cry

P-I-I'm sorry

Br-you didn't do anything I'm just being a jerk. Its your choice if you wanna say yes or no plus this is a big step and I should be with you in any choice you make.

Pierson smiled as I wiped her tears away. I know this isn't what I should do but...

Br-Pierson I'm sorry I just want a little break

P-wait what?

Br-no no no this isn't your fault

P-then who's is it

she said tears now falling down her cheek

Br-its mine. I just feel like I can't be enough for you.

P-but you ar-

Br-could we just take a break for a day or two please.

I said softly trying not to cry myself. 


she said in barely a whisper.

Piersons POV:

i can't believe what just happened!!! I'm not sure what to think. should I be angry at brent for wanting a break? or should I be sad about him thinking he's not enough? This is all too overwhelming. I went to our room to clear up my thoughts.

(Btw when brierson was talking everyone was already in their rooms.)

I was sitting on the bed scrolling through my phone when I heard a knock on the door.

P-who is it?


P-come in

I said softly. the door opened and brent came in with a bag of food.

Br- brought you some food 

Brent said handing me the bag. I tried to smile and act like I hadn't been crying for the past 20 minutes

P-I thought we were taking a break from each other

Br-no I said taking a break from dating not being... friends

he paused a bit on the last word making it sound weird.

P-so are we gonna eat together?

Br-if your ok with it

P-I'm fine

We sat on the bed eating our food. we didn't say a word or look at each other.

Br-you done prin-pierson?

He said getting up. he blushed stuttering on the last word.

Br-I'm sorry I'm just so used to... yeah

P-its fine

I said still looking at my food

P-I'm almost done lets go back to the group after

Br-mhm... Pierson even though were taking a break I want you to know I love you

I looked up surprised

P- ummm.... I love you too

why did it feel so frickin weird to say that. ugh... I hate this break!!! I quickly finished my food and we both went downstairs to meet the group for another night.

No Ones POV:

The group had another fun night at dinner. But after they ate their food Brent and Pierson got really drunk I MEAN REALLY.

Lr-you sure this is a good idea? what if they do something???

Lexi said to Andrew as they led Brent and Pierson to their room.

An-Their on a break I doubt they'll do anything too bad the most they'll do is probably kiss

Lr-if you say so

They opened the door led brent and Pierson inside then left them after saying bye.

I'm starting a new brierson book with one of my friends if you want to go check it out!!!

the account: brierson4eva

Thx for reading sorry for not updating!!!

~720 words

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