Chap. 15- Paris Pt. 1

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Brents POV:

After our quick date to Mcdonalds we decided to drive to my house and watch a movie.

At Brent's house

No Ones POV:

P-so what do you wanna watch

Br- Anything you want hun

P-did you just call me hun?


Pierson blushed

P-ok wanna watch the office


They started watching the office and started talking about their trip.

P-I'm excited

Br-for what

P-for the trip

Br-me too its our first trip since we started dating

P-plus were sharing a room

Br-we can get some private time and relax 

P-yup can't wait

They watched The office for a while then they both went upstairs to sleep.

The Next Day

Brent POV:

I woke up and Pierson was on top of me. How many times will this happen when we sleep together😅. She kept stirring in her sleep so I started playing with her hair knowing she likes it.

Pierson POV:

I woke up from a bad dream and again I was on top of Brent. How much do I move in bed? Brent was playing with my hair so I slept again. A few minutes later I woke up to the sound of someone pulling into the driveway. Me and Brent got up and went to the window.

No Ones POV:

Br: oh its Lexi (Rivera by the way)



They rushed to get ready then went downstairs. All of the squad was already down there.

J-you guys look tired looks like you had some fun

An-Papi Brent are you cheating on me again😢

Br-we didn't have any fun we just slept in

Lr-you sure about that pierson looks a little sor-😏😏😏


Br-so you guys ready?

All of them except Brent-yup

Brent had got them a bus to go to the airport so they piled in and sat down.

Seating arrangement:

Seating arrangement:

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Brents POV:

We all sat down and me and Pierson sat in the back. I smiled wanting to spend as much time as I can with her on this trip.

Br-were in the back alone you wanna have some fun😏

P-oh Brent, you know everyone can still see us🙄😁

Br-yeah I forgot about that part😅

P-well if it makes you better here

She gave me a quick kiss. I smiled blushing slightly.

P-Haven't you got used to me kissing you you blush every single time?😂

Br-you just give me butterflies😊

she giggled and blushed.

Br-see I got you to blush too

P-Your funny Brent

Br-learned it from the best😉

I said giving her a kiss on the cheek.

No Ones POV:

After a long drive the bus reached the airport and everyone got out. They got something to eat then boarded the plane. the same people were sitting next to each other on the plane. (In other words I'm to lazy to make another pic)

Br-You ready???

P-more than ready

The plane took off and pierson held brents hand.

Br-Are you afraid of flying🥺

P-just a little😓

Br-Its ok come here

He gave pierson a kiss and pulled her in for a hug. Then he whispered into her ear.

Br-Pierson Alexa Wodzynski when I'm next to you theres nothing for you to be afraid of

P-your right next to you is the safest I can be. I love you Brent😅

Br-I love you too pier

They slept for a while then woke up. (Btw its night time and its dark). 

Br-Her pier you awake

P-yup but I have to go to the bathroom

She got out and went to the bathroom. Brent got up after she went in and waited by the door. A while later the door opened and Pierson was going out until she saw Brent standing.

P-Brent? what are you doi-

Brent placed a hand to her lips and went in.


He locked the door. Brent picked pierson up and placed her on the counter.


I don't feel like writing this part so yeah no details. basically they made out and all that shit and then they got out and went to their seats.

The plane landed and the squad did all that airport crap and went to their hotel. Brent checked in and then he bumped in to someone.

___-Brent Long time no see

Yup another cliffhanger

Sorry I didn't update as much as I used to but I was a little busy this week. hope you liked the chapter.🤠🤠🤠

~690 words

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