Chap. 20-Just friends🙄

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P-Bye Brent😘

Br-Bye Princess🥰

Brent POV:

The guys took me to go decide on something to do while the girls went to Starbucks. I couldn't help thinking about Pierson.Is she okay? What if something happens to her? This is a bad idea!!!

Je-Brent? Brent?! you there???

Br-Huh oh yeah

An-what you thinking about

B-isn't obvious he's thinking about pierson

Br-she's my girlfriend🥰


Je-don't sta-

An-no but seriously brents in love


Br-come on drew just because you can't get a girl don't act like that


D-your really into Pierson

Br-do you guys not know???


Br-I'm gonna propose to her.

Je-Wait really???

An-congrats daddy

Br-only Pierson can call me that😊


Dr-Lexi was right you guys really needed a break from each other.

Br-was it really necessary though???😅

All except Br(even the girls too)-Yess

I saw the girls pop out from behind the couch

Br-wait what are you guys doing here???

P-listening to your conversation😉... Daddy😏



Br-I want to go back to normal😩

I said trying to kiss Pierson. Lexi used both her hands to keep us away from each other.

Lh-come on guys theres just two more days left


P-Bye again😉


No Ones POV:

The guys went and played soccer on a field by the beach. The girls went shopping and got food but both Brent and Pierson couldn't help but thinking about each other. later the whole group met up for dinner.

Lexi Rivera POV:

The whole group met up for dinner. I saw Brent sitting next Pierson. I mean as long as they don't do anything they can sit next to each other. then I saw Brent put an arm around her and Pierson put her head on his shoulder. I walked over to them.

Lr-Break it up Break it up

I said pushing Brent away from Pierson.

Br-come on please🥺

My brother actually looks so desperate.

Lr-You guys are literally so in love

I saw Andrew pass from behind me.

An-Hey beautiful


My whole face went red.

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