Chap. 10-Cheating???

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Pierson POV:

Its been a while now and me and  Brent have hung out a few times. it just seemed like we were friends though nothing really changed. I've caught him a few times looking at a girls instagram or making content with someone else. Could Brent really be cheating? I looked at my phone and scrolled through Tiktok. Then I saw one of Brent. he kissed a girl?! I threw my phone onto the bed and started crying.

Brent POV:

Its been a while since I've seen pierson now. so I decided to go to her house maybe we could do something romantic. I really hope she's ready to be in a relationship soon I don't want anyone else to take her. why doesn't she want to be in a relationship? is she talking to someone or cheating on me? I walked through the streets then a girl with a Tiktok stand put up came to me and asked.

Rg(random girl)-are you Brent rivera?


I answered carefully. then she grabbed me and kissed me.


Rg- nothing just wanted to kiss a celebrity

Br- Im talking to someone

He ran away. She's probably going to post that on Tiktok and I'm gonna be dead. Wait PIERSON she's going to be so mad oh no I can't lose her again. I got into my car and drove to her house. I knocked on the door and logan answered.

Br-Logan I need to talk to pierson I messed up big time.

L(logan)-you sure did piersons in her room crying her heart out.

I ran up to pierson's room. and opened the door

Br-Pier are you ok

P-what do you think you bitch you said you'd wait for me

Br-I didn't mean want to she's the one who forced me to. Here let me show you.

I opened my phone and showed her how she grabbed my face and I immediately pulled away.

P- Brent I'm sorry fo-

I put my finger to her lips.

Br-Its ok pier. But I just want you to know that I love you and only you.

P-I love you too

I pulled her in for a long kiss. when we stopped I heard logan clapping behind us.

L-Great job lovebirds but next time close the door while your making out


Then she pulled me in for another kiss

Br- now I have to ask you something, Pierson Alexa Wodzynski do you wanna be my girlfriend


Sorry for leaving it on a cliffhanger again. Comment what you think she'll say💛💛💛

~410 Words

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