Chap. 25-Ending!!!🥳🎉

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No Ones POV:

In the room Brent and Pierson sat there awkwardly for awhile. Then Brent started blabbering his love for Pierson while  she blabbered back. after awhile brent started kissing Pierson. Things escalated and they started making out. After awhile they started taking their clothes off and ended up doing the dirty😭😭😭

Piersons POV:

*The Next Morning*

I woke up and I felt someone leg near me. HOLY SHIT I'M NAKED!!! OMG IM SO SORE!!!

P-oh no, oh no, oh no!!!

Br-oh god my head hurts. Wait Pierson?! oh no this can only mean one thing.

P-we hooked up and we didn't use protection!!!

Br-You might be pregnant!!!

P-were not even engaged!!!

No Ones POV:

They both put their clothes back on and after that Pierson started lightly crying. Brent put a hand on her shoulder chin and wiped her tears away with her thumb

Br-Pierson don't cry

P-b-but I cou-ld be preg-nant

she said in between gasps.

Br-and even if you are I still love you and I'll be with you every step of the way

Pierson dug her head into brents shoulder tears streaming down her face. Brent wrapped his arms around her and held her as close as he could.

Br-were no longer "on break". the whole on break thing was messed up anywa-

Pierson didn't let him finish and crashed her lips onto his


Brent said pulling out of the kiss after awhile

Br-we have to take a test


Br-should I go get one for you while you calm down


Before leaving Brent wrapped his hands around Piersons waist and gave her a kiss.

Br-Bye Princess

He said smiling into the kiss

P-Bye prince

Brent went down to get a pregnancy test while Pierson scrolled through TikTok for awhile.

Br-I'm back baby

P-Who knows maybe you'll be saying that more often soon

Pierson said smiling. Brent handed her the pregnancy tests and Pierson went into the bathroom. a few minutes later Pierson came out and laid on the bed.

Br-when do we see the results princess???

P-ten minutes then we'll check on it

Br-I just want you to know that what ever the test shows I'm always gonna love you.

Pierson smiled and blushed hugging brent.

P-I'm always gonna love you too

*after ten minutes*

Pierson went into the bathroom to check on the test while brent waited nervously outside. After about half a minute Pierson came out smiling.

P-Brent your gonna be a dad!!!

Pierson went and hugged Brent crying into his shoulder.

Br-please don't be sad Princess this is great!!! I've always wanted kids with you!!!

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