Chapter 3: intrigued

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I walk out of the locker rooms after winning yet another game. I felt good, go us. I see Brooke standing there talking to Taylor and Lily. What the fuck?

I frown as I walk up to them.

"Brooke." I say.

"Hey, Chris. Congrats on the win." She smiles.

"Thanks." I say.

This is weird, I don't like this. Only Taylor and Lily wait for us, for their boyfriends. I'm not anyone's boyfriend,

"Tay-Tay!" I hear Garrett cheer before he comes running up. He picks up his girl and spins her in a circle.

Brooke laughs as she looks at them.

"So, you guys having an after party?" She asks.

Garrett goes to open his mouth but I cut him off, "No." I lie.
They both frown at me.

"No?" She asks.

"Yeah, no party, sorry. You should just go home." I smile.

"Oh, okay. That sucks, you wanna come over?" She asks.

I go to decline but then I remember the girl I saw last time I was there.

"Sure." I say.

"Okay, cool. Text me." She smiles before walking away.

I turn to my friends and the guys frown at me.

"Don't ask." I say before walking away.

I go home and shower, I throw on a fresh pair of clothes before grabbing my keys and shit. I drive over to the apartment building, I get into the elevator, and go up to the 5th floor. I walk down the hallway and stop at 502.

I knock and wait.

The door opens and my heart skips a beat. Jesus.

I stared at the beautiful girl in front of me, she was even prettier up close.

"Hi." I managed to say.

"Brooke's in her room." She says before walking away.

I walk in and watch her disappear into her room. I try to catch a peak of her room before she closes the door. I smile to myself, I want to know everything about her.

"Chris!" I hear Brooke's voice.

I look over and see her smile as she walks out of her room.

"Hey." I say before she grabs my hand and leads me to her room.

She leads me to her bed before she gets on my lap and starts making out with me. I kiss her back as she runs her fingers through my hair. All I could think about was the girl in the room next door.

Brooke gives me head before she tells me she's gonna go shower. I nod before getting up and walking out of the room. I stare at the other girls' bedroom door. It was closed. I wonder what she was doing.

I couldn't stop thinking about her, since the last time I was here, and then I saw her at Starbucks. She's been running through my head, I don't know why. That's never happened to me before.

It was a strange thing for me.

The bedroom door opens.

I freeze. She walks out and looks at me, she frowns. She was holding a cup, it was filled with paintbrushes, she had headphones on and she was wearing another oversized shirt.

I try to act normal and walk into the living room across the kitchen. I sit down on the couch and act like I am scrolling on my phone.

She doesn't say anything to me as she walks into the kitchen. I watch her as she dumps the cup of dirty paint water into the sink. I stare at her. She was the definition of beautiful, if you searched up beautiful on the internet, she'd appear.

She had clear skin and black hair. She was Asian, but I think she was mixed. Half white? And something else?

I'm not sure.

I was intrigued by her.

She looks at me and I quickly look away. I look at her again and she's looking back down at the sink.

She turns off the sink and grabs a paper towel before she dries her paintbrushes. I wonder what she was painting. She grabs her things and makes her way back to her room. I lean over the armrest of the couch and watch her disappear into the room again.


I hate the day after leg day, it's so painful. I can barely walk right now. I finished my classes and I was making my way to Starbucks, I needed a massive cup of coffee. I look through all the stores as I walk by, I walk past a bookstore and look inside as I keep walking.

I stop walking.

I turn around.

I walk back towards the bookstore.

I look into the window again.


The girl.

From apartment 502.

I don't waste a second, I walk in. She was working at the checkout, she didn't notice me as I walked through the store, acting like I was looking for a book.

I haven't picked up a book since high school. I walk through the aisle of books as I take a few glances at her.

She smiles at the customers before they leave. I smile as I watch her, she looks at me and I quickly look away. I pick up a random book and start flipping through the pages, acting like I am interested in it.

I look back at her and she's tapping something on the register.

I grab a random book and make my way towards the checkout.

"This is a good book, a good choice." She said to the customer she was helping.

"I hope I like it." The girl says to her.

The pretty girl smiles at her, "You will, don't worry." She says,

The customer smiles before taking the bag and walking out of the store. I walk up in front of the pretty girl and place the book in front of her.

She looks at the book and laughs.

Her laugh. Oh my god.

"This is the book you want?" She asks me.

I frown as I look down at the book.

100 Tips On How to Prepare for Birth


"Yes, I think birthing is a fascinating concept." I lie.

She smiles, "Yeah, okay, blondie." She says as she scans the book.

Blondie. I like that.

"Cash or card?" She asks.

"Uh, card." I say as I pull out my wallet.

I pull out my card and hand it to her. She takes it and swipes it before handing it back.

"Would you like a receipt?" She asks.

I nod.

"What's your name?" I ask.

She looks at me but doesn't answer the question.

The receipt prints and she rips it before handing it to me with the book.

"Come again." She smiles.

I smirk.

"If you say so." I say before walking towards the exit.

I look back at her and see her begin to help the next customer.

The Fault (Book 3 in The Deception Series)Where stories live. Discover now