Bat Reputation

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Emily and Gloria stopped their cars at a fuel station near miles of raw wilderness. There were evergreen trees surrounding the off-highway fuel station in the middle of nowhere.

"We must continue on foot." Gloria said when she and Emily got out.

"I don't know, the wilderness seems dangerous, there could be bears and wolves in the area." Emily had second thoughts about going into the miles of giant evergreen trees.

"Do you want to save Sara or not?" Gloria asked Emily, warning her that chickening out could cause Sara to die.

"Fine, let's go save Sara." Emily agreed. Emily and Gloria walked through the deep woods on a rocky pathway that was surrounded by big trees with raccoons, squirrels and birds in the trees. The land was flat but was met with some uphill sections. Emily and Gloria climbed up a cliff and saw a bat flying by. Gloria paused to put on her lipstick, but a bat grabbed it out of her hand, flying away with it.

"My lipstick, my Dior lipstick!" Gloria screamed. "Give that lipstick back, you bat son of a bitch!"

"Wait!" Emily covered Gloria's mouth, trying to shut her up because she had an idea. "Vampires turn into bats, so maybe that bat was not a bat at all, it was a vampire that turned into a bat."

"So, I assume we follow the bat?" Gloria asked.

"Yes." Emily answered. "That bat leads us to Sara!" Emily and Gloria ran after the bat, following it off the path near a campfire next to some black tents and a black flag with a red stripe and a bat coat of arms in the center. Emily and Gloria came to look for Sara, while they heard noises from a large tent.

"Sara, is that you?" Emily called.

"Come over here, sweetie!" Gloria called. "We want you to come home for dear auntie!"

"Stop it, you're embarrassing me in front of my friends!" Sara rudely replied. The bat that took Gloria's lipstick turned into a pale skinned woman in a skintight black and red catsuit with heels. She had reddish black hair, raccoon eyes and ruby red lips, and fangs like steely knives that could cut through flesh and bones.

"Looking for this?" The woman asked Gloria. Sara came out wearing a black dress and heels, going for a sexy gothic look.

"Sara, it's time to say good-bye to your friends now!" Gloria called. "Mommy's home!" Sara had an idea, giving a dirty grin like she had something up her sleeve.

"See you later, Evelyn!" Sara waved to the woman in the black and red catsuit. Emily went with Sara in private behind a tree to talk to her.

"You screwed up really good, Sara!" Emily told her sister, holding her shoulders and pushing her against the tree.

"Emily, these are my friends, and you don't get to decide who I become friends with, but I do." Sara stood up for herself.

"These aren't your average everyday goth folk." Emily explained. "They are literally vampires."

"And?" Sara replied.

"They are bad influences on you." Emily persuaded Sara. "Now all of us are hungry, so let's get something to eat."

"Exactly!" Gloria replied. "Like it says in the good book, neither man nor woman can live on bread alone, so we need to eat to keep our strength."

"I know a 50s themed diner near the Jironga Reservation." Sara mentioned. Emily objected to this idea.

"But Sara- "

"It's ok!" Sara replied, cutting Emily off. "The Bison are through, so the Jironga people are no longer a threat. Besides, the Bison were never affiliated with the tribal government anyways."

"Then it is settled." When everyone got to their cars, Sara was driving Emily's car, while Gloria drove her own.

"Show me this diner and I will buy your meal for you." Emily told Sara.

"I am glad you asked." Sara drove Emily into the Jironga reservation with Gloria following. With the Bison down for the count, a new threat had awakened in the form of mysterious creatures known as vampires.

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