The Last of the Bison

37 18 1

Saturday, October 21st, 2023

Emily was back with Al and Katie in the motorcycle bar, discussing how they would expose Warcloud. It was mentioned that Warcloud goes to yoga classes on Saturdays, so Katie had an idea.

"I got an idea on how to expose Warcloud!" Katie announced.

"What's that?" Katie replied.

"A stakeout." Emily proposed. "We hide in an unmarked van, and when she comes out, we start recording her speech."

"Ok, two questions." Al questioned. "One, how are you going to get an unmarked van, and two, are you crazy?"

"What makes you say that?" Katie responded.

"First off, if we stay in a van, Chief Ahmad would be all over us, suspecting us of doing strange things to children."

"You're thinking too much, Al!" Katie replied. "Besides, I know where we will get a van. The Kingfishers use unmarked vans all the time to deliver drug packages, so we will use one of those."

"Fine, let's use the van." Al sighed in agreement. The three heroes went out of the bar to get the van.

The gray van pulled up near the fitness center and stopped.

"I am in position to record, tell me when." Al pulled out the recorder app. Emily looked out the window with her binoculars, looking for Warcloud. Out she came, in her black fur coat and red dress, with her red gym bag in her hand.

"Now Al, start recording!" Emily ordered. Al pressed the record button.

"I swear, I will take care of the wretched peasants of Mistdale, they will all fall in line." Warcloud said to herself. Al captured the audio footage on tape.

"As leader of the Bison, I could make them replace the police force when I am mayor." Warcloud uttered. Al recorded the audio.

"You have to admit, I played this whole damn little town like Satan's saxophone!" Warcloud said out loud. Al recorded the last bit of audio.

"That's all we need!" Emily told Al. "Now we have to get to the Marmot Radio station to broadcast this audio to the whole town!" The van drove away, headed for the Marmot Radio tower. When it arrived, Emily pulled up in the parking lot. Emily, Al and Katie went up the stairs to the broadcasting booth, finding it guarded by Bison guards. Emily used her telekinesis to slam their heads against each other, knocking them out. When they got to the broadcasting booth, they saw Little Caribou in the broadcasting booth. Al pointed his finger and fired a green laser, burning an apple that was on the desk.

"Hey man, what was that for?" Caribou questioned. "How do you have superpowers?"

"It's as the stone tablets predicted, a curse." Katie also had superpowers, and hers appeared to be mind control.

"Let us use the radio station to expose the truth about Councilwoman Warcloud!" Katie ordered, using her mind control.

"It's all yours!" Al, Emily and Katie sat down, while Al took over as the host of Marmot Radio. Al used his laser finger to blow up Caribou's head, burning it to ashes.

"Good evening, Mistdale, I am Al Baker, filling in for Lil Caribou." Al announced. "We conducted an interview with Councilwoman Warcloud earlier, but don't have the time to air it, so here are some of the highlights." He played the first highlight.

"I swear, I will take care of the wretched peasants of Mistdale, they will all fall in line." The recording played in the diner where Maria and Aaron were working, the motorcycle bar, and Melanie's estate. She was in her pink and black PJs, lying in her bedroom on her pink bed and holding her zebra print pillowcases.

"I knew that woman was no good!" Melanie said to herself, clenching her heart shaped cushion. The next recording began to play.

"As leader of the Bison, I could make them replace the police force when I am mayor." Warcloud's voice echoed throughout the city. When Warcloud was driving home, she did not believe how that footage was acquired.

"You have to admit, I played this whole damn little town like Satan's saxophone!" Warclould's voice was heard when she stopped at a Sinclair for some refreshments. When she arrived, the attendant called the police.

"Go, get out of here!" The attendant bellowed in his Scottish accent. "NOW!" Warcloud left the area and got to her car, but she heard police sirens. When she left the area, the police were in hot pursuit. They chased her down 200 W, 300 W, 100 N, 200 N, and right up near Mistdale High. Warcloud crashed into a stop sign and got out. She went into Mistdale High School for cover, running down the hallways. Melanie was there to stop her in her tracks.

"You can run, but you can't hide from the law." Melanie told Warcloud. She charged at Warcloud with two swords at top speeds. At first Warcloud didn't notice anything, but her body was chopped in half. Her torso separated from her waist, falling to the ground. There was no blood, as if Melanie's swords were magic. She took the dead body parts and used her magic to turn them into chicken legs. She ate the chicken legs, smiling as they melted in her mouth.

"This is some damn good chicken!" She smiled, eating her two drumsticks while her pink heels clacked while she walked down the hallway, feeling in a great and sexy mood.

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