Interview With a Vampire

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Emily and Katie finally made the long journey to Rockhopper, seeing all the townspeople in elegant tweed suits and hats, the women in pastel-colored dresses, the children in button down shirts and bow ties, and poodles and English Bulldogs being walked on leashes. "Spring: The Four Seasons" by Vivaldi could be heard being played in the nearby park by an actual orchestra. In the park was a whole outdoor café which gave off the smell of delicious sushi, drawing people to eat. Emily and Katie went into the park entrance, which was a large Shinto-style gate.

"Bet Al would love seeing this." Emily remarked to Katie.

"We came to see Sara, not sightsee!" Katie replied. Emily and Katie went to a Rockhopper police officer, who was dressed in a uniform designed by a brand known as Michel. It caught Emily's attention.

"Michel!" Emily gasped. "That's my father's birth surname!" The officer wore a white police uniform with black trim. He was twirling around his baton until Emily talked to him.

"Officer, do you know where I can find an abandoned WW2 bunker?" Emily asked.

"You mean Camp Portman?" The officer answered. "Oh, that place has been abandoned for years. It was built when the US Army fought the Japanese, and since the war ended, it hasn't been used since." The officer began looking at his map. "The directions indicate it's on the southwest side of town."

"Thanks!" Emily waved goodbye to the officer. She got into the motorcycle with Katie and drove to the southwest of town. The motorcycle went off road for a bit into a forest with some slate gray military structures wrapped in vines and weeds. The guard towers were bruised with graffiti tags and were wrapped up in a big green bow by vines and flowers. The eerie sound of the wind blowing sent a signal that the base could be haunted. Emily and Katie opened the bunker, climbing in. It was pitch black, like nothing could be seen.

"I can't see anything!" Katie cried.

"Turn on the lights, is there a light switch anywhere?" Emily told Katie. Sara turned on the oil lamp, now dressed in a black and red ballgown. She was sipping her tea, sitting on a red sofa in a newly refurbished bunker she made into a home.

"Sara, what gives!" Emily snapped.

"I am the one who should be answering that question!" Evelyn, the Bat Brotherhood leader announced. "I am Evelyn, the leader of the Bat Brotherhood!"

"If you're the leader, shouldn't it be the Bat Sisterhood?" Emily asked.

"Silence!" Evelyn snapped. "It is a misnomer created by the patriarchy, falsely advertising that there are just men when actually there are men and women."

"She's right." Sara added. "The Bat Brotherhood is named because of the alliteration and because it has a nice ring to it."

"Why don't we take this outside, and fight woman to woman?" Evelyn turned into a bat and flew out of the bunker. Emily followed Evelyn. When they were outside, Emily drew her sword, while Evelyn drew her rapier blade. She clashed swords with Emily. Evelyn did a horizontal slash, but Emily blocked it. Emily did a vertical slash, but Evelyn countered and parried. Emily did a horizontal slash. Evelyn dodged the attack. Evelyn did two diagonal slashes in opposite directions. Emily parried at both attacks. Emily hid behind the barracks, throwing a sandbag at Evelyn.

"You think you can stop me with sand?" Evelyn chased Emily. Emily ran to the armory, cutting the vines that wrapped it up. She found a crate of guns that was unopened for so long. She cut the crate open and found some bolt action rifles and pistols. Emily found a Colt Model 1903 and stored it in her pocket. Emily had to rush out the door, but Evelyn was blocking the entrance. Emily forced her away with her telekinesis, ramming her into a guard tower.

"Eat lead, vampire!" She taunted. Emily shot Evelyn three times in the heart with the Colt 1903, causing Evelyn to fall over on the ground, dead. She disintegrated into dust after bleeding out when the bullets pierced her heart. Emily came back into the bunker to see Sara again. She looked at a mysterious painting of some man in a white suit with a flat brown haircut and carrying a rapier blade.

"Who is that man in the elegant white suit with golden trim and carrying a blade?" Emily asked.

"That's Grandpa Michel, our grandfather from our dad's side of the family." Sara answered. "He was young in the 1920s and lived in a southwestern town called Sandberg."

"Tell me more about him!" Emily requested Sara.

"He was in the Michel gang, a group of French outlaws who robbed banks and did a lot heists, but they were friendly to the native Kenoka Indians, who were at odds with the Gemini Program, a church that believed they were the descendants of an alien from Venus named Gemini, and they thought they could work miracles if they followed her wishes."

"So, the Michel gang fought the Gemini Program?" Emily asked.

"Yes, and they fought the Mafia, who were allied with the Gemini Program." Sara continued. After the Mafia and the Gemini Program were no more, Grandpa Michel, or as he was known, Lucas Michel reorganized the gang into a fashion company known as Michel, where he would make designer clothing. There he married a beautiful woman who was his first customer and had a baby named Laurent Michel, our father."

"This is starting to make a lot of sense." Emily quickly exited the bunker, thinking about how to put all the pieces together. Emily and Katie left the camp, riding away in their motorcycle. Sara smiled her evil smile, sipping her tea, like she had something big planned. 

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