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It was Halloween morning. Emily was awakened at seven in the morning, hearing the cannon fire and bombs bursting. The sounds of ghouls and grim evil laughs woke the whole town up. Emily opened the window of her bedroom, wondering what was going on.

"Keep it down, I am trying to sleep!" Emily yelled, reacting to the spooky noises. Gloria and Sara had come to Emily's room to inform her about the Halloween festivities.

"Emily, don't you know?" Gloria reminded her niece that it was Halloween.

"It's Halloween!" Sara added. "Don't be such a...whatever the Halloween Grinch is."

"Halloween is huge in Mistdale." Gloria explained. "There's the Halloween parade that starts at 8 AM and ends at noon, so we can't be late!" Emily and Sara put on their clothes, getting ready. Emily used her telekinesis to grab some toast out of the toaster, and Sara started violently eating Count Chocula cereal.

"Sara, use your table manners." Gloria suggested Sara.

"Auntie, I'm not a child!" Sara argued. "Ever since Mom died, you're starting to act like her!"

"Well, that's too bad." Gloria replied. "I am the de facto woman of the house since your mom and dad are both dead as well as your uncle."

After breakfast, Emily, Sara and Gloria were out on the northern side of Mistdale, near the church and the community center, waiting for the parade to start. Gloria brought folding chairs where they could sit on the grass near the road, waiting for the parade to start. Before the parade began, Katerina the mayor arrived in a chariot dressed in a regal golden gown, speaking into a megaphone.

"Welcome, one and all to the 75th Annual Mistdale Halloween Parade!" She greeted the town. "As you probably know but in case you don't, the parade was started in 1948 during the early Cold War as Mistdale's stance against communism. Our use of amazing costumes, props and decorations reminded people that unlike Soviet Russia, Americans know how to have fun!" The people gave the mayor a standing ovation. "In 2020, the parade was re-tooled because of Covid-19, so many of the people walking the parade were in plastic bubbles." Some people laughed.

"With that being said, on with the show!" The bells rang, sounding off the parade. Two people in inflatable ghost costumes opened the parade, as well as some people in inflatable pumpkin costumes. A black pickup truck pulled a float featuring a graveyard. This graveyard had a zombie woman rising from the grave. She started dancing with some male zombies, doing some arm and leg movements in formation.

Up next was a werewolf float, featuring the Claw Collective waving to the crowd. The fanged freaks in red and black plaid shirts were howling to the crowd, while they howled back.

"Emily, Gloria, I have to tell you something." Sara asked.

"What?" Emily wanted to know what Sara was up to.

"I have to use the restroom." Sara smiled her evil smile, meaning that she had something up her sleeve.

"Ok, go." Emily gave the green light for Sara to use the restroom. Sara ran to the community center, went into the bathroom, and got on her phone.

"Uh huh? Yes? Consider it done." Sara was communicating with someone, but it was unclear who it was.

When the Bat Brotherhood showed up on the vampire float, they heard purple muscle cars and Hummer vehicles cruising towards the parade. The purple vehicles had a black manta symbol on them, catching the attention of Aaron and Hank, realizing that the Mantas were still at large.

"Shit, it's the Mantas!" Hank warned Aaron.

"I thought I was done with the hood business, but I guess I'm back!" The Mantas squared off against the Bat Brotherhood, while Hank and Aaron came to join the fight. The Mantas stormed the Bat Brotherhood float, sideswiping the truck pulling the float. It slipped out of control and crashed into a tree. The Bat Brotherhood and the Mantas began their fight. Some Mantas pulled out guns, while the vampires pulled out small knives.

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