The Kidnapping

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While Emily and Al were waiting for their cousin, Aaron came to take their food order.

"What would you like to eat?" He said to Emily and Al.

"I would like some Cascade Surprise, whatever that is." Emily told Aaron.

"I would like two Fried chicken burgers, a large bacon burger, a large pepperoni pizza, some buffalo wings with extra dip, two barbecue burgers, one with cheese, and a large Sprite." Al told Aaron.

"Right, I will have that out as soon as possible." Aaron said to Al and Emily. He went back to the kitchen to prepare the food with Maria.

"Al, what were you thinking, that order was a little too long." Emily said to Al.

"I was stalling till my cousin shows up." When Aaron and Maria were preparing the food, there was a rumble of some sort. Emily got up to see what the matter was, going into the kitchen. When she got to the kitchen, she saw Maria knocked out, and Aaron gone. There was a note on Maria's lap. Emily picked it up and read it.

"If you want to see Aaron again, please come to the Jironga Reservation Hotel. Signed, Jalen Victor."

"Well, he was pretty stupid for signing his name." Emily snarked. When she walked out of the kitchen, she saw Katie at another table.

"Katie, we have got a hostage situation." Emily told Katie. "Aaron has gone missing, and he's in Jironga territory."

"The Jirongas are the sworn enemy of the Cathanows." Katie told Emily with such fear. "The Cathanows and the Jirongas have been feuding for centuries, long before the white man showed up in these parts." Katie began to tell Emily the story of the feud between the Cathanows and the Jirongas.

"The story began with the Cathanow Matriarch, Enola Angel Pine, more commonly referred to as Angel Pine, the guardian matriarch of the Cathanow tribe, who was a Native American warrior queen. She was tasked with carrying the sacred totem, the Almond of the Cosmos from the northern gate one thousand miles to the southern gate." She and her band of warriors charged with the totem, until they were ambushed by the Jironga matriarch, Odina Yankton, with the help of her band of Jironga soldiers, stole the sacred totem and marched one thousand miles to the northern gate, landing it in the northern gate zone, thus conquering the northern territory that was once Cathanow land."

"That was probably a huge setback on the Cathanows." Emily replied.

"Exactly." Katie responded. "The Cathanows haven't forgiven the Jirongas ever since!"

"We have to alert the mayor!" Emily told Katie, as she was ready to take immediate action.

"I will go too." Al volunteered. "The mayor needs to hear about this.

Later, Emily, Al and Katie arrived at the mayor's office. The mayor's office was painted gold, had gold knight statues and gold vases as decorum, and black flags with golden suns hung on the walls. At the mayor's desk was a woman named Katerina, who was a beautiful blonde woman with dark blue eyes dressed in bright yellow.

"Madame Mayor." Emily told Katerina.

"What is it?" Katerina asked, sipping her coffee mug with an eye on it.

"Aaron Kennedy has gone missing and is on the Jironga Reservation." Emily told Katerina.

"Very well, I will alert the city council to set up a search party that will find Aaron and bring him back to Mistdale."

"Can I be a member of the search party?" Emily asked.

"None of you three can be members of the party, because this is government business, and you three are not in government." Katerina told Emily. "Now kindly get the hell out of my office before I call security!" Emily, Al, and Katie ran out of Katerina's office. She decided to call a meeting of the town council, calling them up on the phone.

"Schedule a council meeting at 6 PM tomorrow." She told one of the council members.

"Right. 6 PM tomorrow." One of the council members, Mrs. Veronica Warcloud replied.

"Consider it done." Katerina hung up. 

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