Fall Harvest Concert

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Emily, Al and Katie were back in their cells, while Emily was looking for an escape method.

"Guard!" Emily called. "Can I have some water?"

"What do you need water for?" the guard asked, looking uncertain.

"I have a baby!" Emily replied. She faked the sound of a baby crying to trick the guard.

"Knock yourself out." The guard handed Emily a canteen of water. Emily splashed the guard in the face with the water.

"Oh, so you thought you could just attack me like that?" The guard was angry at Emily. "Let's see how the Warden feels about this!" The warden arrived just in time.

"Warden Dmitri Sir!" The guard saluted. "Listen, this inmate just threw water at me."

"Is that so?" Dmitri replied. "Well then, I guess you're going to have to stay in solitary." The warden unlocked the cell, and escorted Emily to a padded white cell.

"Get in." The warden pushed Emily into the cell.

"This is a bit of an overreaction; you have got to believe me!" Emily cried.

"Quiet, you!" Dmitri snapped. "Another word and I will send you to the infirmary, so keep that mouth shut!"

"Warden, someone is here to see Emily, Al, and Katie." A guard told the Warden.

"Who told you to interrupt?" Dmitri replied. Councilwoman Warcloud showed up, dressed in her trademark red dress with gold jewels.

"I did." The councilwoman looked at Emily like a cow looks at an oncoming train.

"Councilwoman Warcloud, it is an honor to have you here, my apologies." Dmitri bowed his head in support of the councilwoman.

"I have filed the release papers for you, Al Baker, and Katie Holt, so they will come with me." Councilwoman Warcloud smiled, as if she was up to something. "Guard, get me Al and Katie so I can declare them free." The guard went to unlock Al and Katie's cells, rushing down the dull gray hallways of the prison. He opened the door to Al's cell, setting him free.

"What's this about?" Al asked.

"You, Katie, and that girl Emily are being released on Councilwoman Warcloud's request." The guard answered. He went to Katie's cell and opened it up. Emily, Al and Katie rendezvoused with Warcloud and the warden.

"So, are the papers approved?" Warcloud asked.

"You must have good reasons for letting them go, so I will approve." The warden answered. "Get them out of here before they cause any more problems." Al, Katie and Emily were escorted by Warcloud out the big black iron gates of the prison, and near the drawbridge where the moat was.

"Lower the drawbridge!" Warcloud called.

"You heard the councilwoman, lower the drawbridge!" The drawbridge was lowered, making a path across the moat. Emily and her two friends were escorted by Warcloud to her limo that had two of the Mistdale city flags on it, which was a white six-pointed-star on a field of green.

"Driver, take us to Mistdale City Hall." Warcloud informed her driver. The driver started driving to the City Hall. Warcloud wanted to tell Emily and her friends something important, so she made eye contact with all three of them and began to spill the news.

"Listen, the Fall Harvest Concert is happening on October 13." Warcloud explained.

"October 13?" Emily and Al gasped.

"There will be food, music and fun for the whole family!" Warcloud continued. "Notable artists performing are Gerald Langley and Paranormal, Cottonmoth, and it is opened with Maria Reynolds singing her anti War in Iraq classic, Death for the Agenda."

"Oh, that should be interesting." Al was excited. When the limo arrived at City Hall, Warcloud exited the limo with Emily, Al and Katie.

"What shall we do to prepare?" Katie asked.

"You have to familiarize yourself with some Paranormal and Cottonmouth songs, while us government people are doing the hard work." Warcloud went into the City Hall to meet with the other council members to discuss the concert.

"How about we come over to my place." Al proposed. "I have a lot of old Paranormal CDs at home, as well as Paranormal music on my LemonTunes library. Come over and we will listen to some Paranormal songs. Katie raised her hand.

"I am a massive Cottonmouth fan. We can come to my trailer in the Cathanow Reservation to watch some Cottonmouth videos and some behind the scenes footage too." Katie proposed.

"I am down with that!" Emily agreed. "Whatever it takes to prepare for the most exciting event in Mistdale yet!"

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