Sara's Betrayal

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Emily arrived home with Al, seeing that her house was on fire. Emily and Al got out of the car.

"Al, you rescue my aunt, I will find some water that I could put out the fire with." Emily went to look for a source of water nearby. There were no streams or rivers, but there was an old water tower. Emily concentrated her telekinesis on the water tower and used it to put out the fire. Al got Gloria to safety, but Sara was there with her father, Aquilo.

"What the hell, Sara!" Emily shouted. "First you hang out with literal vampires, then you say I am a dead girl, now you destroy my house?"

"We needed to destroy your house to activate the beam of light." Aquilo explained. The Eastern Light Beam shined in the sky. It granted Emily an upgrade on her powers as well as Al. Emily tried her powers on Sara, shooting a purple beam of light at her. Sara blocked with a yellow light beam.

"Our powers are evenly matched!" Emily told Sara. "What is it you are trying to accomplish by working with Dad?"

"Once all four gates are activated, I will become unstoppable. Once the fifth center gate is activated and Aquilo has absorbed the five auras, he will be able to swallow God and become omnipotent."

"I hope that never happens!" Emily broke her beam, while Sara teleported away. Emily tried to teleport to Katie's location to see where she could have gone.

Emily teleported to the circus, seeing Katie pinned down by Aquilo and some Niflheim soldiers.

"Hold still and let me suck that aura off you." Aquilo sucked Katie's blue aura dry.

"I have obtained the aura of Wisdom." Aquilo told Katie. "You held the era of wisdom because you were knowledgeable about your peoples' culture and the prophecy, and when it is taken away from you, you will never know how your future unfolds."

"Ron Feldman, keep this woman company!" Ron turned into a werewolf, charging at Sara. She rolled and shot purple magic blasts at Ron.

"Too slow!" Ron taunted. He charged at Emily. She pulled out her Colt revolver and looked at the bullets.

"These bullets are lead." Before Emily could put them back, Ron charged at Emily, knocking her over. He bit into Emily's hand, creating a black fang mark of some sort.

"What did you do to me?" Emily wondered what the black fang mark was for.

"That was a Drain Bite." Ron explained. "When I bit you, normally you would turn into a werewolf, but a Drain Bite drains your powers, and cancels them out as long as the fang mark is in place." Katie pulled out her pistol and inserted a silver bullet into the chamber. She fired and killed Ron, shooting him in the neck.

"Thanks, Katie." Emily congratulated Katie.

"You're welcome." Katie replied. "What's that fan mark for?"

"That's a Drain Bite." Emily explained. "It basically cancels out my powers."

"We should report this." Emily and Katie went to see Gloria. Gloria was sitting on a picnic table area under a pavilion roof near a gas station, her makeshift residence.

"Emily, what's going on?" Gloria asked.

"This!" Emily showed Gloria her Drain Bite mark.

"Oh Lord!" Gloria shrieked. "That's a Drain Bite mark!" She made a scared face, wondering what Emily had been through. "I should take you down to the tattoo parlor to get it removed!"

"It's not that easy!" Emily explained. "It's enhanced with magic, so a simple tattoo laser won't do the trick." Al came to visit Gloria and Emily.

"Where did you get that tattoo?" Al asked.

"It's not a tattoo, it's a Drain Bite mark." Emily corrected Al. "It disables my powers."

"I guess the only cures would be silver, Wolfbane, or fire." Al explained.

"Fire would be too dangerous, and I don't know where we could find wolfbane, but Niflheim has stockpiles of Liquid Silver in their underground research and development facilities here in Mistdale." Emily added.

"Are you thinking about a heist?" Katie proposed.

"Indeed." Emily agreed. Emily, Al, Katie and Gloria put their hands in a circle.

"Together, we are the Mistdale Team!" They broke the circle and planned their infiltration of the R&D facility. 

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