Emily's Sorrow

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Emily, Al, and Katie met in the motorcycle bar, which had a pretty good crowd for an October Saturday. The varnished wood floors had blue and yellow tribal pattern carpets on them, spread out widely on the floors. There were stone spears and wooden shields hanging on the walls with descriptions of their history, like they were museum exhibits. The dream catchers hung atop the pillars that held up a balcony accessible by a staircase, which had extra seating for people to eat. There were people playing pool, hitting balls that made a clack that gave a slap to the eardrums. The smell of food cooking was in the air, making the people excited to have a good meal. While the combined sound of people's chatter was heard by all, Emily, Al and Katie were discussing how to expose Warcloud.

"Ok, how are we going to expose Warcloud?" Emily asked the group. "How do we know where we can record speech from her that would bury her forever?" Al had an idea.

"I know!" Al explained. "She likes to go to Yoga class every Saturday at 6 PM, so that's when we can expose her."

"But today is Saturday!" Katie replied.

"That's when we can expose her." Al responded. Suddenly, Emily got a call from her sister.

"Emily, I have some disturbing thing I want to show you." Sara told her.

"What is it?" Emily reacted.

"You're not going to like it!" Sara warned Emily.

"Tell me, I want to know!" Emily begged to know.

"I can show you." Sara proposed. "Hop in the Taurus Wagon." Emily hung up.

"Sorry folks, Warcloud is going to have to wait." Emily told the group, saying that she had business to attend to.

"Why?" Al reacted.

"I have family affairs that I need to get done." Emily told Al.

"Ok, if you have your reasons." Emily ran out to see Sara and got in the Ford Taurus Wagon.

Meanwhile, Warcloud was at Phil's Garage with the Bison. The Bison were carrying flame throwers and Molotov cocktails. Warcloud held her position, ready to give the order to burn the shop to the ground.

"Burn it, burn it to the ground!" Warcloud ordered. The Bison threw Molotovs at the windows of the repair shop and shot flames from the flame throwers. The flames consumed the repair shop, eating up the walls and heading for the cars still in service. The cars caught fire, ready to detonate. They detonated, fanning the flames. Uncle Phil was in the shop at his desk. He caught fire and was trying to stop, drop and roll, and escape, but the flames were too much. Warcloud looked at Emily's uncle, seeing him yell at the top of his lungs before he burned to a charred skeleton. Phil burned to a black charred skeleton the second he tried to escape. When Emily arrived, she saw Warcloud there. She got out to confront Warcloud.

"How dare you!" She shrieked. "That was my home, and you burned it to the ground! I am homeless now!" Warcloud laughed her evil laugh.

"Oh, how I love how you release your anger!" Warcloud gave an evil smile. "You should have seen the look on your uncle's face after he burned to death!" Warcloud showed Emily her uncle, seeing him as a charred skeleton.

"Phil, no!" Emily cried. She bent over and rubbed her head against Phil's charred skull. The tears fell from her eyes, falling on the soil where Phil's charred skeleton lay to rest. She cried a waterfall of tears, holding Phil's blackened skull in her arms.

"Dammit Phil, why did this have to happen! Why the hell did you have to die!" She was heartbroken, having to cope with the loss of her uncle. Sara punched Warcloud, but she parried with a red plasma shield.

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