Orange is the New Purple

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Emily, Katie, and Al sat at the defendant's table, awaiting trial. Everyone talked amongst themselves until two loud slams of the gavel shook the room silent.

"Court is now in session." Judge Bertha began. "Since Emily did not hire a lawyer, one will be provided for her."

"I didn't hire one because I AM one." Emily objected. "I will be defending myself and my friends."

"You may proceed with your defense." The judge proceeded. Emily began her defense.

"If it weren't for my heroic actions, Aaron would have died. Also, the crime happened on tribal land, so the police department had no jurisdiction in the area, because the area was a sovereign nation. Because the crime was on tribal land, it should be the responsibility of the tribal police, not the Mistdale police. Ergo, the Mistdale law was operating outside their jurisdiction, and I am not guilty."

"That may be a likely story, Mrs. Sanchez." Melanie argued. "That does not change the fact that the case involved a resident of Mistdale. Because there was a Mistdale resident involved, that brings up Article 27 of the Mistdale legal code. Melanie brought a copy of the Mistdale legal code to the stand.

"Exhibit A, Article 27 clearly states that when there is a resident of Mistdale as the victim of a crime that happens outside the city, then police have jurisdiction in that area." The jury gasped.

"Order in this court!" Bertha barked while pounding the gavel.

"Therefore, since there was a resident of Mistdale involved, the Mistdale police had legal jurisdiction in the area. And thus, the prosecution rests."

"We will take the jury into the meeting room to reach a verdict." The judge announced. The jury went into the meeting room to discuss the verdict.

After the jury had reached a verdict, they came back to the jury counter.

"We have reached a verdict." A representative on the jury told Bertha. The representative whispered it in Bertha's ear.

"The jury has decided to find the defendants guilty of tampering with the crime scene, impeding police action, and vigilantism, and are hereby sentenced to two years behind bars with a bail of 20,000 dollars." She slammed the gavel two times.

"Court adjourned!" Emily, Al and Katie were carried out by the police. The three defendants were on their way to the prison north of Mistdale and east of the Jironga reservation. In Mistdale, prisons were integrated, so both men and women could go to the same prisons. Emily, Katie and Al were in different cells. Emily and Katie were in Cell Block B, while Al was in Cell Block C. Emily's cell mate was none other than Jalen.

"We meet again, you little bastard." Emily told Jalen.

"Look, I could kill you right here and now, but that would be too easy." Jalen spoke in his sinister tone.

"What are you going to do?" Emily asked.

"I am going to make you feel the worst pain imaginable." Jalen removed Emily's orange jumpsuit, undressing her. He then ripped off her white tank top, revealing her black bra. Jalen placed his hand on Emily's breasts, squeezing them.

"Who doesn't love fresh squeezed tits?" Jalen was enjoying squeezing Emily's breasts. He let go of Emily's tits.

"Now that that's done, time for the beating!" Jalen punched Emily in the chest, in the cheek, and in the eye, leaving her with a black eye. He choked her and slammed her on the floor.

"Stop this!" Emily cried. "Guard, help!" A nearby guard came to Emily's rescue.

"Enough, Inmate 247!" The guard tazed Jalen, restraining him.

"Thanks, guard." Emily thanked the guard who saved her.

"Anytime." The guard tipped his hat and smiled. There was an announcement on the intercom from the warden. Emily listened in.

"Ding-dong, Warden Dmitri Ivanov here." The Warden announced. "All inmates must report to the yard immediately for an inspection." The guard that saved Emily ordered the inmates to line up.

"Line up and move out!" The guards barked. "Single file, silently!" The inmates were being herded like cattle to the yard, where they lined up in a straight line. Dmitri Ivanov came to begin his announcements. The man was built like a bear, with silver hair and glowing yellow eyes that stared into the inmates' souls.

"I am Warden Ivanov, the cousin of the mayor." Dmitri announced. "In here you will obey my every command, you will work when I tell you to work, and you will rest when I tell you to rest, you will sleep when I tell you to sleep, and you will eat when I tell you to eat." Dmitri pulled out his cane from underneath the coat of his mustard yellow suit. 

"This prison is unescapable, because there is a moat with piranhas, bears and salmon that swim upstream surrounding the prison. No one gets in or out because they will be eaten by the piranhas or the bears or have a 50-pound fish slapped in the face, literally." Dmitri put away his came.

"Work hard and you will succeed but fail to do so and you will be severely punished. That is all for now."

"Well, this is going to be a hell of a prison experience." Emily thought to herself as she was escorted back into her cell by the guards.

Meanwhile, at the Bison hideout, the boss, Mrs. Veronica Warcloud was looking splendid with her black long, wavy but symmetrical hair, and wearing an elegant red dress with gold jewels around it. She spoke to the third in command of the Bison, DJ Lil Caribou, who was the host of Marmot Radio, the radio station of Mistdale.

"Lil Caribou." Veronica spoke to the Native man.

"Yes, boss?" Caribou asked.

"Today you are DJ of Marmot Radio, but now you are second in command of the Bison." Warcloud answered.

"What will you have me do about the Kingfishers?" Caribou asked.

"Katie Holt, their second in command is in prison." Veronica explained. "I would prefer her to be dead rather than in prison, because her comrades would bust her out. Therefore, I will bail her and her friends out of prison so I can kill them right on the spot."

"Better them dead that roaming at large." Caribou replied. Veronica was ready to get her things ready to go to the prison to bail Emily, Al, and Katie out of prison.

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