Al's Cousin

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Emily and Al were sitting in the abandoned conference room in the sunken office park that Emily was using as her law firm. The conference room walls were bleak, eerie, and haunting. There were cracks and graffiti tags on the walls, like the place hadn't been used for years.
"So, what do we do now that the phone lines don't work since this place sunk deep in the ground and cut off the underground wiring that the phones used to have?" Emily asked.
"For now, I am hungry." Al mentioned. "The reason we are alive is because we consume life. It's the food chain, it's third grade science, girl!"
"Very well." Emily agreed. "Where did you have in mind?"
"There is a diner not far from here called Cascade Tavern." Al suggested. "I know the owners there and they and I are good friends."
"Who are these people?" Emily asked.
"One is a retired gang member from South Seattle, and the other one is a 50-year-old woman with the body of a whale, but she changes styles seasonally."
"They sound nice." Emily replied. "Enough talking, let's get eating!" Emily and Al went to Emily's car outside, but it was carried on Phil's tow truck. Phil got out of the tow truck to talk to Emily.
"Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you left your car at the courthouse, so I came and got it." Phil reminded Emily.
"That's nice, but can you set it down for me?" Emily asked. "Me and my business partner are going to call his cousin to do some renovations to the area, but we need open phone lines and the phone lines down in the law firm are dead."
"Well, I'll get back to you once I am done with matters about my own business." Phil answered. He got back in the truck and released Emily's car. Phil was driving away, while Emily and Al got in the car.
"Where is this tavern?" Emily asked. Al pulled up the GPS coordinates.
"It's on 300 North, 100 West." Al answered. Emily was driving down to those exact coordinates and parked in the parking lot. Emily and Al got out and went into the tavern. In were the owners of the tavern, a man with sunglasses who was dressed in orange, white and blue with an orange cap backwards and a silver chain round his neck. The whale woman had long messy black hair and wore black leather and jeans, appearing as an elder punk rocker.
"Hey Al!" The woman waved. "Who is your girlfriend?"
"She's not my girlfriend, she is my business partner." Al corrected the woman. "This is Emily Sanchez. She is new here."
"I am Maria Reynolds, Elder Punk from October to February, and Elder Hippie from March to September." Maria shook Emily's hand.
"I'm Aaron Kennedy, former member of the Eighteenth Street Challengers, but still reppin' the orange and blue." Aaron shook Emily's hand.
"What happened between you and the Challengers?" Emily asked.
"Emily!" Al snapped. "A man's past is his business. If he doesn't want to talk about it, he shouldn't have to."
"Al's right, I don't want to talk about it now." Aaron mentioned. "How about we start off with getting you two a table." Aaron escorted the two to a table.
"Can I get you anything to drink?" Aaron asked.
"I would like a Miller Lite." Emily requested.
"Give me a sake." Al requested.
"We don't have sake, but we do have Sapporo, which is also Japanese, is that ok?" Aaron reminded Al.
"It will do." Al confirmed.
"I will have those drinks out as soon as I can!" Aaron went to get the drinks, while Al and Emily looked over the menus.
"While we're waiting, I think I am going to call up my cousin." Al called his cousin's phone number and waited for her to answer.
"Hey, this is Asuka Baker, how are things going?" Al's cousin called.
"Hi Asuka, this is Al." Al greeted his cousin.
"Hey, cousin! Long time, no see!" Asuka was glad to be in contact with Al after so many years. "Listen, I am over in sunny Los Angeles at a bar with two legendary celebrities, one is Gerald Langley, lead singer of Paranormal, the hit pop punk band famous for their smash hit, "Bull in a China Shop."
"I love that song!" Al cheered. "Who's the other one?"
"The other celebrity is known as Cottonmouth, who is a female rapper known for her iconic bright pink hair and snake tattoo on her back." Asuka mentioned.
"A rapper named after a snake, that seems interesting." Al replied. "Listen, I need your help."
"What do you need me for?" Asuka asked.
"I need your help to renovate this abandoned office park that sunk in Mistdale, we need it for my girlfriend's law firm."
"If you're talking about renovations, then I'm the girl to call!" Asuka needed to know where Mistdale was so she could get the job done. "The thing is, where is Mistdale?"
"It's in the middle of Washington State, not too far from Seattle." Al explained. "I heard that Forks from Twilight was based on Mistdale, because we have vampires and werewolves here."
"Twilight is so dope, I am going there right now." She hung up.

"Later, losers!" Asuka taunted Gerald and Cottonmouth. "I am going to Twilight Town!" She walked out the door while still drunk, walking in a slow and awkward motion to her car. As she headed for Mistdale, Emily and Al had to wait for her.

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